Monday, 21 January 2013

This post is for my beloved sisters !

Sape ni ?
hoho,ni lar my sisters..
actually ader due lg citer due org dulu.
one by one ok ?

Hello !
Once again I'm back wif more tales.but ,today's tales is not about my friends .but my sisters !
Why ? Why ? coz lau duk kat rumah diorang je kawan2 I..
but now , my frenz are Amad,6 tahun and Billy,darjah 4..
coz due orang kat atas ni ^^ duk asrama !
taula korang betape lonely nye sy kt rumah n bilik ! sorang2..mujurla ad Amad n Billy.
ad lar jgk nk dibualkan even just about small kids :)

ok my siss..jgn marah if I upload ur pic
haha..dh pose camtu ngat..

OK.introducing part ~~
(the red riding hood)
Okeh..That is Mia..adik pertama,bru form 4..hoping that she will get PC too..Insyallah..Where should i start ?Ok,name die Mia tp mostly I called her Dillo or Baby Dillo..Dillo is short term for..............haha.nope..cannot tell..our sibling's secret..Actually lau jalan2 ngan die or u guys fren with us ,u alls akan ingat die KAKAK sy xde kakak la! entah,die nampak matured lg kot..nampak je ,but I know her better ! xjugak ! being with friends is like feeling that I am the smallest..But when with them ,kami same jer ! aper yg xsame ?mmg la muka berat nak same ,tinggi pon nak same..baju pon same saiz..kasut lain..hoho..Itular yg dinamakan serasi bersama..kami xkesah berkongsi ape saje..just tell me ape yg xboleh dikongsi ? nothing..jgn la pkir pakwe po kongsi..logik dek akal la ! Mia nym die x byk cakap sgt , lau korang xcakap lau korang byk modal cam sy ,ok die xley berhenti :). n sy plak yg suke byk btny kat die..well,I know my responsibility as a sister..cehh..xlar..I want her to be better than studies..Slalu nasihat die mcm2 coz kakak die ni da byk experience she must trust me ! Mia ni OMG sgt berbeza part makan..haha..die suke makan biskut n roti..sgt xsuke mmg lau kami kaur makan ,kami berkongsi lar..well ,sy mmg xsuke mkn kt luar mmg sah2 lar kena kongsi..that's why die ni lau tgk kt luar kurus jer..dh die xsuke makan nasi ! Die ni pom fanatik kt 1D n JB ! lau tgk fb die,xder pon gmbr laki lain..yg tu jer..Mia ni otak Math rasenyer..tular aitu duk tanya sy whether die nk choose Bio or Pa..wah2..dhla tny pg2 trpksa la pg tu sy bg ceramah kt die..n Mia ni suke memasak..suke ? die x takut,lau gi umah nenek ,die lar yg tolong goreng pisang or ayam..Sy just mahir part2 mngemas die kureng part tu...Well,tgk..serasi kan ? Mia ni suke pakai kemeja ! tp sy xsuke sgt except yg me ,kemeja cam org laki..but ,sy ni suke yg comel2 skit..Ok,wajar la nak ckp Mia tu kakak..coz die xdela obses bnda2 kiut mcm sy ni..die xder la minat Hello Kitty or pink..:P Satu lg ! Mia ni pandai mengurut ! die pom xtau die terrer lau die urut papa n mama sure diorg feel better..hoho..but me ? stakat letak ubat tu boleh,tp sy urut diorang x rase ape2 pom ..:( sian btul..
maybe diorg xtau sy syg korang tp sedarlah sy ni duk asyik tny cane keadaan skolah,kmas brg2 korang tu,tanda2 syg lar tu..aigoo..tau x,lau korang xde kt rumah rase baik tido je selalu.. :( u know rite ? n nasihat for u Mia..jgn main2 trial ni..bleh mitak SPC.huhuks..jgn myesal mcm Ain sudah..Mia ni ramai giler nak kt die..haha..xmcm kak die ni..well ,see the differences..sob3..

(that pink hood)

Name lam ic die ape ?haha.Batrisyia die ad name manje..haha..Bobotet or Botet..aishh.
xpenah dgr ker ? citer kartun lar.. -.-" ohoho..ape yg special sal die ? Die happy always n wekk bajet tinggi ! yelar..kami tau (me n Mia) yg die akn tinggi dr kami coz skarang pom da same tinggi..wekk.tinggi jela ! xkesah pon..ok,yg ni bbeza ngan Mia..coz die suke makan nasi..hoho..xpew..alhamdulillah..kami bertiga masih slim mlim..nampak lain ek ? eh same je actually..Coz die xpkai glasses jer tu..Bety ni org panggil road runner jgk..coz die lari laju..n kuat main gk..main bdminton n ape lg ? games !n die ni suke Shaee..bkan suke lar,,tp nak org panggil die Shaee..hoho ..iras ke ?plik2..alaa,yg nyanyi lagu Sayang lar..oh luper..die baru Form 2..Alhamdulillah die ni suke mengemas die ada asma n kuat bersin..lau bersin tu,OMG !boleh runtuh rumah kayu ! n merah la hidung die nyer..Oh,adang2 my mum call her baby..manja jgk la katakan..hoho..Betty ni lau boleh tiap ari sabtu nk outing.bkn ape,die nk duk rumah jer..aigoo..Ok,budak ni die lar yg paling pandai bergaya..pandai belit2 tudung..n die lar yg paling sesuai pakai shawl..haha..she always update ngan tutorial tudung.haha.n kami jgk la yg dibelit me,Bety ni kecik lg berbnding Mia..mmglar kan ? tp sy ni sebagai kakak tgk la kematuredan adik2 even muka nampk lg matured dr sy..huhu..Betty ni jiwang jgak...die lar yg introduce kan sy ngan TMBLR..nice is it ?macam2...ha ! Betty ni mahir giler2 edit gmbr..she loves snapping pictures..mmg cantik alar gmbr2 yg die amik..well,she is the one who introduces pixlromatic kt kami..lau x,ntah biler lar kami pndai edit gmbr..Oh,tahun lepas sy pernah teman die masuk kwan die ni yg ntahla kabur agknyer,bleh plak tny "Betty,adik awk ker tu?" hoho pujian ke penganjingan tuh ? sy trime sbgai pujian..haha..diorg slalu geram coz sy lar yg asyik org ingat adik..hoho..well,awet muda kan..haha !! Ok,Bety ni lg byk bercakap berbanding Mia..n selalunyer b4 tido die akan suruh sy bercerita pasal sekolah n kawan2 sy until she sleeps..wah..look ! serasi kan ? Betty ni..lgla ramai peminat..huhu. :) tp die still budak..die ni kuat main game..POOL..ha,tu lar game yg die main biasenyer smpai lewat pg..hoho..Ha,Betty ni suke dgr masalah sy..die lar tmpat yg sy bleh citer mcm2 n die pom slalu kongi rahsia ngan awas ! die ni suke shopping hoho..parok2 ! tp pandai jgk la budak ni memilih harga tu..woo..terbeliak mate lau tgk..and lau due org ni xde kt umah,mmg xdpt dgr la sy nk ketawe or senyum2..ntahlar..rase kosong..dh tu xkanla nk suke sorang2 kan ? coz Betty ni periang..periang cmne ? dh sy ckp skit die dah ckp siyes pom,die dah ketawe ! aigoo..yg ni sorang..pelik ! tp xpela..haha.. well,lau pergi mane2 sy lebih suke berjalan bertiga dgn die.. :) u know what, I really love my sisters..korang ? :P..So,adik2 ku cepat la balik Rabu ni..Gue kangen gilakk same kamu berdua !! byk story morry nih !!! 

Really ! Korang x rase gitu ker ?
maybe xsame kot ngan sy.But,I feel that way.
that's why kami rapat !

 *** OKEI. yg pasal Amad n Billy ,wait for the next post ek ? tired already...

sincerely Miss LOL

WHAT? Da nak kahwin ? Biar Betik !

Da bertunang n soon getting married ?
yet , baru jer mnjejak 18 tahun ?
OMG ! apehal gatal sgt  nim ?
entah ape lar yg orang zaman skang ni fikir sampai xsabar2 sgt nak nikah.
gatal cam *pillow* haha..

If Liam proposed u,would u approve ?
YES ,of course..
without  any NO..
Poor thing......korang ni xpikir dulu b4 wat any keputusan...tau ke kahwin tu byk tanggungjawab?
it is not only about LOVE..sebelum pikir about this matter,I look those who are married..
look what they face n see the pros n cons.but u guys ?
 couple-> clash->couple->married->divorce->regret->married once again

Tp sekarang ni dah xder dh istilah bercinta lepas kahwin..sumer nyer tgh hangat bercinta..I wonder lar lepas bercinta then kahwin ? would the sweetness of marriage still on ? Insyallah..maybe certain lar..
My mum always pesan,always ? xlar..sejak umur dah meningkat ni..

Mama said : Ain,pernikahan ni bukan main2..jgn mudah nak minat or jatuh cinta ke org.. Ingat , lau ade org minat or kite minat ,sembahyang ISTIKARAH zaman sekarang xpikir nak sembahyang istikarah..Ingat..Istikarah tu penting..jgn gopoh gapah..Jodoh x ke 
 mane..kite kna mintak petunjuk dulu whether is he the right one ? Ni x, ade jer org minat dah 
  melayang hati n nak kahwin terus ..

That is wrong ! WE MUST PREPARE ! LOL.. I mean,bukan la kena prepare utk marriage tu..Tp marriage needs Skill..what skill ? ingt ur husband or pakwe awak tu nak kat awk semate2 cinta jer ? Skarang ni sy bimbang ,sy ? haha.. xlar..i was thinking whether the guys that were told by the girls would remain the same after marriage ? diorang ni b4 married biasenyer like angel .. xpenah nmpk one wrong or if we see it , he will cover it with some girls ,wa so sweet ! cute ! comel ! romantik ! waa.. so annoyed wif that ..
xpelu lar meng experience kan diri tu ,just tgk dunia org lain .. ape yg diorang rase b4 n after clashed..hoho.

Yup ! Nilar  korang realitinyer..nak husband to be yg cenggini.
maybe dulu,time sy mentah mmg lar bnda ni je sy pkir.
But,u know it is IDIOT !
ape jer yg korang pkir lam marriage ?
romantic je ?


OK..kosongkan minda korang tentang ape ciri2 lelaki yg korang nk jadikan husband tuh..
nape ? hoho.. jgn jd mcm sy dlu2 ,pantang tgk yang CUTE,COMEL n aper2 la
waa dh suke suke suke ! Tp lepas dgr advice from Mama n tgk situasi org2 nikah ,
korang tau ape karakter yg kite perlu choose ?


Ape ? korang kate yg kuat agama ni nanti nak berpoligami ? Aisehh.. jgnla ckp camtu coz nnt sy pom xnk jgk..haha..Mama kate " Ain kena cari yg kuat agama,tp bukan la mama nak Ain cari ustaz..cari lar yg solat jemaah,taat pd Tuhan , kaki masjid ( ni tetap,ok ! jgn sbb lpas kna marah or sbb duk asrama je ,gi HABIT..) lau die kuat agama ,die taular fadhilat solat di masjid :) erm , best kan lau kite satu family wif anak2 gi masjid ? :) tp korang xpenah fikir kan ? Ha ,tgk tu ..duk berebut biro agama da..Hello ? yakin ker dieorg tu beragama ?haha..dun get me wrong .. jike die beragama , he wont involve this relationship..coz die tau keburukan INI. ."hbis cne nak kapel ?" LOL..tu lar sy ckap xyah kapel senang..:hbis nk cri calon cane?"
Well ,xtau lau minat tu wat cane kan ? DOA ITU SENJATA MUKMIN.. kiter berdoala selalu agr die jd jodoh kite..ha ni doa sy slalunyer " Ya Allah ,jika die bkan jodohku ,jauhkanlah perasaan ini terhadapnye.Tetapi ,jika die jodohku maka tunjukkanlah padaku"...heishhh..xmalu btul ..ntah sape lar die tu kan ? da xder dah..FULLSTOP.. Mama kate lg , lau "die" taat printah agama ,die xkan sakitkan or perhambakan isteri coz die tau isteri tu amanah Allah..n die tau tanggungjawab die sbagai suami n bapa..
So , die xderlar smpai nak dera or maki hamun kiter kan ? fenomena skarang ,siap ade wife kena bunuh lg..
tu lar..coz lemah iman..xtau ker membunuh tu berdosa..Yes , we cant get rid from doing sin .But still , kite ad kudrat utk avoid that ! jgn biarkan syaitan conquer kiter..See  ? Pentingnyer agama ni..!  Jap,kuat agama pon jgn lar sampai isteri n anak2 xterjage oitt..I need ur attention too..our children need papa ! haha ! :P

hehe :)
berangan je :)


Aigoo..bru jer mata melilau kat maahad muhammadi nk cari calon kuat agama..haha..korang ingt diorang nak kt korang ? korang ade ape lar sgt ? setakat muke comel ,suare merdu ,lembut2 ...xpyhlar perasan sgt...
bende2 tu xperlu pom lam perkahwinan..Kite sbagai wife-to-be pom ade tanggungjawab gak ! ingat muke cantik je bleh kahwin ..the boys are wrong.. hoho..sorry lar those beautiful girls..xbermaksud nk mengate ..
Tp kan ,biler korang da kahwin .. rupa paras xlg jd kepentingan..Ni haa..
  • kuat agama
  • pandai memasak
  • sabar
  • reti jaga anak
  • reti jaga hati mertua mertuii
  • matang 
  • reti lar doing house chores
  • bersifat keibuan
  • rajin ! byk aspek tau
  • pandai jage ati
  • bukan pemarah
  • setia
  • ingat , dah kahwin tu suami is the First ! not ur mum anymore..tu lar I suh cari yg beragama..boleh guide kiter2 ni ke arah kebaikan..Insyallah ,same2 masuk syurga..

Ok ,cukuplar yg tu coz mane lar sy tau "guys2" ni nak ape lg .. tp bg Kaki Novel ,they should know more.
Sy ni one of kaki novel . So, I write based on my experience ! Dalam novel tu ,byk sgt sal perkahwinan yg musnah n bahagia ..sob3..meleleh air mata time part worst gak.. mase kawin , isteri sibuk sgt n sume house chores bg kat bibiq ..last2 ,her husband kahwin nga bibiq tu.. nak ke ? ohoho..tu lar kite kena pnadai memasak ! coz nk pikat suami ni ,one of the way is through meals.. " Alarr,nk cari yg kurus2 lar..xkuat makan skit"..Hello ,ingat cik2 yg kurus tu xkuat makan ker ? LOL terase nih ! haha<<bajet kurus..xla,terase part kuat makan.. Ingat tu ,kite kena pandai memasak..Ha ? nak cari laki yg pandai menasak plak ? buleh jer..degil kan korang ? mcm sy..haha..malas memasak xkan la nak husband je masak2 slalu ..diorang mesti lar bz dr kiter.Wajib pandai memasak ! no compromy dah..kawan laki sy pon da ckp gitu jgk ! nak x nak ,kite2 ni kena memasak lar yer ..poor thing..

Rajin ! wahh I kind of like this part .. xsumer perempuan rajin kan ? maybe boys nampak perempuan ni rajin..x sume pon rajin ! pemalas jgk ! Tula , kite ni kena rajin ..ce imagine ,dalam bilik korang (u n him) bilik berselerak ,selimut xlipat ,baju kotor merate2 ,toilet pnuh dgn plastik2 #$%^&* ...Eishh ,xmalu betul !
nak ke die kat awak? pemalas ! 

One more thing ,bukan biasenyer lelaki kan yg pemarah  ! yup ! AQ BENCI LELAKI YG PEMARAH ! AQ XSUKE SAMPAI MATI ! feeling kan ? ni sebab xkuat agama lar yg nak marah xtentu pasal kan? rase diri tu kau je yg betul  ! ! Mmg lar kiter kena terima lau kena marah ,tp  ! ! marah berasas lar beb ! huhu.. sory ad prob..jgn pkir bukan2... ingat ! kemarahan memuncak coz syaitan da conquer..that is the importance of AGAMA ! serius takut to get invlove in this relationship .. Bergaduh tu asam garam perkahwinan ? Well ,mybe btul tp ingt ! biarla berasas ! xtahan sy lau wat bende yg baik spt pergi kelas agama or sy nak solat kt masjid pon awak marah !awak yg suppose ajar sy didikan agama..jgn degil sgt boleh x?

" sy bukan nak kahwin dgn die pon..just couple " just couple ? ok,ur alasan sgtla LOL..
couple sajer2 ? ape kes..erm ,mase sy kapel DULU , xmain2 pom ! SETIA thap gaban ..well .tgk la sape..
:P coz  I am that type..SETIA HUJUNG NYAWA..Fulamakk ! Opss.tu dulu lar ! zaman mentah !

"Habis, xkan la xnak yg manis?"<<- my pillow asked.LOL
hurmm ,manis ? Well ,dulu2 ye mmg pantang tgk org manis ..or lau die xmanis pom,perangai die sweet2 gitu 
.. Da cair kan ? hurmm ,I'm melting .. ceh ayat.. mmg mudah melt .. xkire la die xcomel or ape ,tp when he treats me nicely .. Cair ! Lau lol mcm sy pom ,CAIR !~  ni lar org panggil mengader..haha..Lain kali jgn wat gni  ! Biler die da kuat agama ,he will know the right thing to do with his wife..cukup je lau setakat dpt jage sy baik2 n family sy..dah sgt2 sweet tuh...Awak ajar anak2 sy ilmu agama pom sgt sweet ! huhu..sape awak ?? xjumpe lg :(

Erm,yg ni boleh tahan dr yg atas td kan ?

Ok,finally we had reached the conclusion part !
SAYA XREADY NGAN SUMER NI ! Serius ! Means ,to get someone pon I xready ! Bukan ape ,ilmu agama masih blum byk dipelajari ...Plus I am afraid that I can't make u happy ..Lau setakat nk happy kan awk dgn lawak tu xpela jgak malangnye kebahagiaan rumah tangga not only that ! Must jage ati parents awak ! Takut kalau2 mak awk marah sy xreti memasak ! Hehehe.. so sy kena blajar memasak demi awak..
Lg ? Sy xbersedia la nak hidup dgn awak jer.. Sy xpuas lg duk dgn family sy..adik2 sy masih perlukan sy.n sy syg giler2 kot adik2 sy..xtau cane nanti berpisah rumah ngan diorang .. Sy xbiase lg..n sy pon masih lg belajar xde pekerjaan lg nak sara hidup kiter n sara perkahwinan kiter..awak pom ! so awk kena blajar btul2..cri pkerjaan awal n then kite kahwin ! insyallah I will try my best to be ur best least kite berusaha kan ? hahaks..ayat2 di atas xditukan kepada sesape xde sesiapa pon lg..just hoping that everyone can change so that nak pilih pon senang..haha..Ingat lawan2 ,rupa tu bukan penting sgt ..Agama tu penting..So ,kite kena selalu berdoa agar Tuhan memberikan kiter yg terbaik n sesuai dgn kiter.n I hope to my future husband out there ,jage diri baik2..dkatkan diri dgn Tuhan..hopefully,we will meet because of Him .Insyallah..( adeh ,sedih btul)..So,korang.pikir masak2 ! ingat tanggungjawab kiter byk nnt !So baik kite single mingle dulu..blajar btul2..n enjoy dlu..nnt kahwin ,ntah boleh ke tidak kite jmp kawan2 kite kan ?
(benci dikongkong!)so husband out there,get ready wif ilmu agama ttg perkahwinan ! jgn asyik pkir nak berpoligami jer..GEDIK! 

knows what "ready" means ?
be prepared !:P
jgn excited nak confess gk..
nnt melepas,nk bkwan pon da xley.
poor thing. :'(

sincerely Miss LOL

****** CLOUD NINE/C9******

Ape tue cloud nine a.k.a C9 ?
setahu korang cloud nine is feeling happy rite ?
actually tu no bilik kat asrama kami dulu..
and that is my room too,second room..
ceh,sedap2 je ngaku bilik kan ?
C9 is our hotspot..
Hotspot for my best best friends !
sesuai ngan meaning die feeling happy.
memang sy gi bilik tu xpnah pon rase sedih,NEVER !

Blok sy D tp ni C..jauh sy suke travelling / derak ! sgt suker..
suke sgt berjalan2 even xdijemput..coz kawan2 sy ramai kt bilik tu..
actually sorang but my spirit of having friends have spreaded to the whole room.

Ha ! ni gmbr satu rumet c9 ..ader sorang tu sesat.haha
tak nmpak eh ?nati  letak gmbar besa sorang2..hoho
Actually to me,blok C sangat special n i really love to travel there..cos my true friends ramai kat saner..hoho..ramai dr blok sendiri kot..erm,same ramai ? haha pening coz sy ni kuat jalan n byk byk org la sy tegur..x gitu ?sape budak blok C tu jgn perasan ek ?haha

dr kiri is Mai,Dijah and Dibah !
sayang korang ketat2..
CENTRE  :Dijah or Khadijah tu sy kenal mase kami join Kem Belaian Kasih.haha..cane buleh rapat tu is when kami chopped katil yg same mase kem tu..haha..actually,sy lar yg ngade2 skit..sekejap nk kt situ,sekejap nak kt sini..Kem yg amik mase 3 hari tu merapatkan kami until today and hopefully till jannah..Dijah ni baik giving advise to me n yes she treat me like her adik although die anak bongsu..emm, ni manja skit ngan kawan2..hoho..selalu pom,asyik tidur kt tmpat die ,kongsi selimut die..haha..Dijah ni suke dengar lagu jgk..n sy lar yg kasi virus Justin Bieber n One Direction kt die..haha..penuh mp3 die ngan lagu2 tu..n sy suke mitak koinz ngan die dulu2..haha..Kolony..tau x ?Dijah ni kuat study gak n die lar kawan baik Salmi,my rumett tu..dulu2,sy selalu bwk meja blajar plastik sy yg wrne pink kt bilik die..haha..lamer2 die dh jadikan hak milik die..yet,meja tu sepadan dgn die..coz Dijah ni pandai lukis komik..amik je ketas A4 lam meja tu n she draws..comel tau ! biaselar lau kiter tumpang bilik org so kite pom gune la barang diorang..kan2 ? suke gune kepit rambut n sikat rambut die..hoho..ader tu ter pakai sampai byk minggu ..hoho..sian kt satu lg..Dijah ni tak suke makan sayur! n lau die makan ngan sy,sy pakse die makan sayur.hoho..mcm doktor sy lau die makan ngan sy lar,die mkan sayur..hopr,when she looks at vegy,she will remember me...tau x dalam byk2 prank besday kt kawan2,she's got the worst..satu blok C yg besar tu happenned after exam physics SPM ! I was one of actress yg play part utk ajak die kuar bilik while other prepared air sabun berbaldi2..OMG ! kantoi tau..die lari sekuat2 hati ! xdpt kejar..last2,diorang yg bwak baldi ni trun tangga n kejar nga baldi..ohhoho..berat tu..akhirnye terkena gak air sabun ad part ngeri..die rebah kt kaw yg berbata2 yg baru siap..dhla byk lg pasir..pedih giler ! dhla kena air sabun..lame la gak die baring kt pasir..msti sakit kan muka bergesel ngan pasir ? die bangun n lari masuk bilik org lain..lame2 die kuar ngan paip pnjg giler n simbah sume kat kitorang.n well I'm a road,xkena air..haha..yg lain la ramai kena..but,we enjoyed it very much..biaselar,bru lpas exam Physics kot..and malam last kat Pc pon I slept wif them tp kt katil die..hoho..aneh kan ? org lain tido blik masing2 but me ?sesat kt situ.xpe,Jiiha pon ader,same2 makhluk asing..N malam tu kami satu "rumet" makan meggi tomyam n kari in tupperware.wahh,best kan ? sedap tau mkn ramai2?merapatkan ukhwah..n mlm tu jgk,Dijah shampookan sy n bg gune towel die..hoho..sayang Dijah..ohh,die suke basketball jgk..last day kami main..main la sgt..

Ha..tu die nampak x yg lompat tu ? sy lar tu..hoho
xsampai :(

DR MAI  Why Dr ? Mai ni tersgt2 lar nak jd DR n yet she always read buku2 yg pasal doktor..n Mai ni seorang yg terrer giler2 Bi smpai kt bilik die tu penuh buku Bi mcam reader digest,going places n sort of books lar..n memnadangkan katil Dijah ni beside her place,byk jugakla ilmu yg sy dpt bdasarkan buku yg die bcer..well,sharing is caring rite? biasenyer,buku reader digest sy bacer part "medicine is laugh" ntah ape tjuknyer..haha..Novel Bi pon blambak..hoho..xminat -.-"..oh,lau Mai plak sy selalu pinjam mug die coz mug die cumill ader huruf M..haha..M stands for her name kot..loker die pon comel..mirror die comel..Mai ni suke ketawe coz maybe I am too LOL for her..hoho..alhamdulillah coz my existence makes her happy..Mai ni LDP so lau nk ponteng prep ni xleh duk kt bilik die lar..actually,c9 byk ldp..haha..Mai suke dgr radio Traxx Mix n almost like that lar..biaselar jiwa English lar katakan..Mai ni caring sgt..mase sy demam haritu,she as the doktor bersemangat cari panadol for me..Thanks dear..actually,sy ni jarang demam..coz antibody lau demam,msti panas kuat..part lawak sal Mai,is she loves sambal very much.haha.lau pergi dewan makan tu,mmg best lar makan ng die n lain2 coz dpt pkai gincu free2..habis merah bak delima merekah bibir kitorang.haha..cicah plak ngan kacang botol..perhh ! sedap Mai la over slalunye gincu die..haha..yg lain,lpas pedas da kurangkan cicah die,ceh xcukup merah jgk ! nak lg..

we are united !
rindu betul !
x tipu eh !

DIBAH: Dibah..this girl memang kuat giler2 sy tabik lar..excellent result plak tu..we all call her Mama..ade lar hierraki<eja cane tau, kitorang..if die mama msti ade papa kan ? well ader tp mybe lau die bace ni berasap kot..haha..n sy suke sgt sakat die coz suke tgk die marah..wakaka..xder la..saje gurau2 senda..Ha ! Dibah ni xpanggil saya Ain, but she call me E'o.msti korang xleh nk pronounce kan ? Mai  n Dibah la yg slalu pggil sy sounds cute ! haha..well,Mai rase yg bg name tu coz i call Mai , Mae (upin ipin) , Mail Lambong..hoho..kejam x ?lau Dibah nim , sy selalu pinjam earphone die.. Eh ! Dibah ni suke nyanyi lar ! huhu..dhlar selalu xdgr if org pggil..khusyuk ng lagu alhamdulillah lagu nasyid..lagu Rabiatul Adawiyah..haha.tu pon buku Rabiatul Adawiah yg die pegang..her idol maybe..Alhamdulillah setakat ni kawan2 sy sume yg baik2 mmg kitorang slalu lar bacer mthurat n ke ,b4 gi annual dinner pon ,kami nk bacer mathurat gk tp smpat bce surah2 pndek jer.hoho..biase lar prempuan kan ? msti xsempat dah ! Baru2 ni Dibah nk ber YM ngan sy tp Ym die ade prob..then , die suh sy fix dgn open her YM.. lpas sy fix , die pon bkan blik thinking that her YM in her lappy will back to normal .. -.-" 
actually , ni lol sbnarnye..haha..coz xkanla lpas sy baiki YM kat lappy sy ,lappy die akn molek..aigoo..btul2 lawak that nite..dhla mase video call ,die dpt dgr sy ckp tp sy ,looks like sy lau yg #$%^&* coz berteriak kt dpan lappy suh die dgr..while her ? suh sy snyap la coz hbis satu rumah die dgr coz sy teriak name Scandal die ..haha.padan muka !OH ! tahniah jgk to her coz dpt pursue study kt Nottingham next ur very best ! i know u can do it :)

Dr kiri :Rina and Haifa..
they are cubemates !
Rina syg giler2 kat Haifa..
HAIFA: Wah ! Tablemate !! she is my classmate a.k.a tablemate.. muka nampak baik kan ? Well, she is a good girl n watch out ! she is funny also yet , kering gusi kami dgan lawak selamber badak die ..
huhu -.-" die seorang yg pemendam..kite xkan nampak pon die sedih or marah or ape2 lar..except when the feelings reach that limitt.. so,remember ! kiter xleh main2kan perasaan org n jgn  pkir wujudnye org yg " xder feeling " or "sedo".. actually ,we ( adeh,sy tergolong jgk eh ??) sgtla mementingkan and our priority is our friends' feeling first.. n Haifa is like that.. tahap ksbaran die sgt tinggi..n die sabar sgt dgn kami sumer yg banyak kerenah.. she is also the one that remind us whenever we forgot..she is like Ustazah to us. :) maka persahabatan kami berlandaskan agama jugak n kami tidak sesekali get out from path coz kami sumer saling mengingati.. n most of us slalu bcerita kat Haifa when we got personal prob..n Haifa ni xbiase sgt ngan laki..bagus lar..terjage sikit diri kite nim if avoid something like that :) She got a lovely cubemate named Sharina..Sharina loves her so much smpaikan chaya sayang tu dpt dilihat.haha.Yes,everbody loves their cubemates rite ? mase besday Haifa lar a lot of fortune dtg.. Alhamdulillah..hari tu hari SABTU.. kami bwak byk mkanan for her..presents also..she received cute watch from us . dpt kek n mcD chicken,coolblog n goreng pisang..haha.. kenyang sgt ptg tu..special thing about her is she is sweet.. die slalu cerita kan erti2 lagu n bg pngjaran or sumtim like that.. well,she loves singing too..bilik2 ni mmg sume suke nyanyi lar !

ANATI: Anati ! wah ! she is Smurf Lover ! sume mende Smurf n blue ..mmmg blue suits with her.. die minat Korea n Kpopp .huhu..ntahla aper yg ade kt kpopp tu kan ? never mind.. Anati is funny with her own style ? DIE SANGAT KALUTT ! haha kekadang tu ,sy yg mengKALUTkan die..haha,sian btul..Plus ,rumet2 die slalu geram if sy kacau or buat die kalut,,habis  kuar ayat melatah die..huhu..ape yg sy pinjam kt die ?? conditioner Pantene ! haha ..wangi of course ! Anati ni sangat la Ketrengganuan..memag pekat ..Bau keropok terus ! haha..Anati ni suke sgt snap gmbr..mase kitorg makan maggi mlm tu pon,smpat lg die snap..

ETY : Ety !! hahaks..actually,she is the reason why I always drop by at this room..waiting for her, visit her, accompany her..n all the things lar becoz of her..thanks to her coz she brings me to know all my true friends..
Memang xsah if xpergi bilik ni lam sehari..even ,budak blok C pon da tau tujuan lau sy menerjah ke Blok ini..becoz becoz in my routine at Pc , I am always with her..alhamdulillah :)

last day kt PC.
our last port round !


sincerely Miss LOL