Last HANG-OUT ! WAJIB utk kami semua ! (me,ety,jiiha,haifa,kubihh,ss,rina,ica,) |
Finally ! Hari yg ditunggu2 itu tibe iaitu weekends !!!! biaselar budak2 asrama !
Kami sumer ni mmg dh rancang 100% utk gempakkan outing nim ! sbb last ! so nak kasi GEGAR KbMall tuh ! Hahaks ! Mostly , ramai jgk yg xouting coz time tuh musim exam lar...nearly SPM
I guess. But, it was awesome..xkire la exam ke ape ke ! Kami dah nekad ! wajib ! Jiiha n Kubiih yg actually cannot join coz they actually should join rombongan melawat cikgu Siti Bedah bersame kelas..Tp diorg ponteng !!! Lari menyorok mcm2 ragam ! haha.... Waiting sgt lamer !!! tunggu warden dtglar..Plus !! Kami xder transport lar plak !!! Masalah btul.. Ss yg handle sal transport..lame2 lepas tu , Ss inform yg kitorang kena berpecah...Xmuat prebet..kena berpecah into 3 prebet.haha..Lame giler kot tunggu mek prebet dtg..last2 my group yg tlh bpecah nim tahan prebet sapu yg lalu jer :) kami sampai dulu.. Ss sampai last :P
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SELOK BLAKE ! xleh nok pose,pakat duk selok.. so,nilah hasilnye -,-" tunggu org update sal PREBET** |
Lalala~ cuace , xde lah panas duk ke hulur ke hilir intai Prebet..
Soon,we got it ! only it ! satu jer ! yg muat je leh masok :P
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Parok dah ni.. tunggu Prebet kt luar pagar.. nak sapu je mane2 yg lalu! |
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Nilah Prebet.. bapak kecik..4org kt blkg.. me at the front.Mahal lak tu !!! |
Bersame tiupan angin sepoi2 bahasa, soon we reached there ! KbMall ,finally ! 2 trip lg blom sampai which were SS and Rina..hahaks..ketinggalan btul ! So, kami bkumpul kt Food court dulu..kasi ckup bru start round2 ! Perut pom lapar nih !! Tp,kna cepat gk coz byk tmpahan dr budak2 yg xouting..hoho..
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meja side kanan.. :) ok,kubiih xde..die amik gmbr..hoho..siann |
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meja dr kiri :) |
Ss pergi shopped kat Pacific n jalan2 kt mane entah..
Jiiha n Kubiih jalan2 ke clothes store,shoes store..Then,diorang bought baju t-shit yg same kat F.O.S..
Sweet kan ?
Rina plak mula2 jlan ngan me n Icaa but then she went to KFC..We left her there..haha..
Ety n Haifa , I dunno :)
Me n Icaa ? Kitorang round dgn trolley..haha..trolley beg2 ramai2 mmg myusahkan bwk trolley smpai tingkat atas..haha..Kitorang gi parkway...sambil2 tu I bought coolblog yg hero kirim..gosh ! mase tu lupa amik straw..haha..Sal Icaa , die beli satu beg for prep I guess gmbr mickey mouse .. Warne yellow..mmg comel la !! hrga pon murah ,rm 8 .. so we bought it n turun ngan eskalator..
Kt eskalator , Icaa belek2 beg tu ! tau x ? bahgian blkang beg tu bapak kotor !! macam kotoran milo !!
Icaa geram giler kot n merepek...hahaahaa.. So , bg puaskan ati Icaa we returned to Parkway.. I deal with the owner coz Icaa xleh kawal emosi dah..Die tkut ter*marah pekerja kat situ..huhu..Mula2 , ckap ngan cashier nk mitak duit balik ! Then ,die kate xlehla dh msuk lam machine bla3 n suh ckap ngan tuan die. Erghh !! Oh,tuan die ad kt situ..hehe..So , sy mengadular..die pon ckp beg tu sbnrnye mahal tp last stock n coz xbaik sgt ,tula turun smpai rm 8.. Sy nk mitak gmti rugi tp die kate xleh .. Die suh cri brg utk gnti ngan beg yg samer harga gk.. Well korang taula Parkway kan cane..Ikat rambut pon mahal bapak..Xde bendela yg reasonable n diperlukan kt Parkway..mostly , accessories la byk nye..So , kena redho ! Sy smpat lg ckap xyah jual la benda kotor gitu..Ceh ,die ckap bleh cuci n tanggal..Dah2la..bosan so we went out.. Icaa merepek pnjg n siap ckp nk amik gmbr beg tuh n post kt fb bia org xdtg Parkway..haha..Tp die xwat pon ..Lol. K sudahan for that bag , xtanggal pon..huhu..sikit je tanggal..redho jelah.. :) Lain kali kena brhati2 nk beli brg..kena tilik dlu tau !
p/s serious LAWAK giler Icaa !! Rindu Icaa n lawak sempoi die la plak ! <3
** Kami jumpa balik biler nk solat Zohor...So , berkumpul la nak gi surau same2..Tp Haifa ngan Ety xsempat jumpa..So kami went to rooftop Kb Mall spt yg korang taula kt situ tmpat surau kan?
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"Mane surau???" Construction plak dah " -.-" |
Seram !! Kami je perempuan ! Diorang je laki !
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Ok ! Lari turun with guys group ! kuar2 dr lift,ade sign surau lain..haha Lam surau,jumpa la Ety n Haifa.. |
To make it short , kami dh nak balik..coz almost 5.30 p.m..tunggu punya tunggu , xde prebet !!!
Last2 I called my father, *need help to send us !! balik mlam la kononnyer..Tp Ety n Haifa balik prebet join group lain while Rina n SS dh lame chao. So ? tinggal me ,kubiih , Jiiha n Icaa..
So balik umah sy !! Best giler kot !!! Ohh last2 kami pergi pg esok kt makatab. Well , layan movie lar malam tuh ! Kitorang off lampu n pasang lappy ... mula2 tgk kartun lepas tu tgk.........citer ape ntah..
Sy x terlibat ! prob skit n tido......Pagi tu,kalut giler coz sume bangun lambat ! haha.. xbincang lg nak pecah masuk maktab cane.. Icaa pny idea ! :die suh kawan baik die tolong jage2 kt pokguard n so on..Hahaha..kami sume tunduk ke bawah tkut2 ad org nmpk..I ask my father to drive smpai blok akademik.. Kami kuar n jalan2 ke asrama... U know ? xde sorang habuk pom !! Plus ,siap ade org bru sampai and parking dpan asrama lg....So korang tau ape kami rase ? Bongok sgt..dhla still pkai bju semalam lg kitorang ni !! Malu + rase cam LOL sgt..terlebih takut pny pasal..haha....
Well , I guess that was the most sweet memories with them coz kelakar sgt biler ingt balik..jalan terkedek2 tkut kantoi.. Pokguard pon xder actually kt pagar tuh ! INI SUME POYO !
p/s : ss jgn jeles tau ..haha
p/s : ss jgn jeles tau ..haha
Bracelet and HK bottle :) dr Ety , Jiiha,,Ss, Kubiih n Haifa p/s : Jiihah suh pki botol tu kt U.. haha.. |