Tuesday, 15 January 2013

FrienDsHip Is sUpaDupA VaLuAbLE

Betul ker orang yg kapel ni *xcukup kasih sayang* ??

bedasorkan pngalman mase zaman *xretipikirmanebaikmaneburuk* dulu.......

dulu,mase sekolah mngh rendah,aq mentah agy..aq mmg leh dkatakan pljar yg agak LOL coz aq suke ktwa n kcau kwan2..so aq ramaila jgk kwan tp ni xtrmsuk llaki..aq xsuke sgt laki sekolah aku dulu..diorg prangai cam ape ntah..yg pasti AQ XSUKE..plus,sep2 aq ni xbrp nk bkembang..so xdela wide sgt friendship ng klas lain..kitorg ni dichop geng "Kucim Bulu"..ntah knp kami xtau nape group kmi dberi name gitu..cumil cam kucim kot.wakakaka!

#Ok,berbalik kpade mende yg sy nak hujah nim..bg sy org kapel ni kan.

 diorang x appreciate kasih sayang yg diorang dah ader..tau x kapel ni mybbkan org XSUKE KAT KITE? msti x kan ? coz korunk pkir org akn anggap korunk psgn hot la sweet la..ntah pape,,tp actually,diorang malu ngn korang..mcm xcukup kasih syg mak bapak coz duk menagih kasih syg org lain..dhla laki yg kapel ni buduss blake..xleh wt laki pom !aq mysal dlu coz jatuh kt lubang kapel nim..lain kali ngko jgn perasan if ad laki suke kt kau..ingt tue..thats normal ok ? bkn nye kau je laki suke..ramai lg..kau juz one of them..mase aq kt menengah rendah time tu kan,sume geng aq marah aq..tp malangnye aq xkesah pom..aq anggap diorg tu ntah pape..aq jd xkesah pom org xnk kwan ..tp lamer2 lepas tu aq sedar rugi giler khlgn kwan drp khlgan die.

#menengah atas..
die tinggalkan aq and i dun expect it at all !naper? nak tau..mmg duk mngah atas ni die byk adakan perang beso ngan aq..BAJET JELES ! pdahal aq xwat pape pon..die just marah aq ckp ngan laki who are my classmates n homeroomates..As i told u guys b4,kt mngh rendah aq xsuke kwan ng laki kan ? tp kt mngh atas,ramai yg baik2 especially classmates aq lar..alaa.. ckp mende biase2 jer..mula2 tu mmg lar sedih kan mase putus..tp lame2.....

korang tau??aq dapat kwan perempuan almost satu batch ! sume syg aq n aq sayang diorang (i hope so :))n rase sakit ati or pape la kait ng perkakas tu dah lenyap kot !!until i met a guy..ntahlar..he couldnt be describe except a word ! he's PLAYER DALAM DIAM2..asal2 kate suker,well he's not bad.hoho..like him too lar..

next year,tup tup eh dah kuar gosip die ngan sorang kawan aq lak tur..serow terbakor lar kan ?? agak la..so aq hancuss gak la tp xsgt coz die still contact even kdang2 ignore aq,kdang2 cari aq bagai xleh idup tnp aq..well,PLAYER mmg gitu kot..last2 aq fall kt org yg aq suke cri pasal n die pon suke cri pasal ngn aq..haha..this guy .. really .. OMG ! notim can describe him..even die da tipu aq n xngaku..n even aq tau die pnah ad awek...n even aq tau die xtepuk tgn ngan aq..even die mainkan perasaan aq...n even die buat aq timbul macam2 perasaan.......aq realized yg die ni dah btul dah cuma aq je kurang waras..aq nak org cam ni..laula die mmg btul2 mcm ni..die pkir mase depan family dier..skang die da blajar..n ok aq tau lau suatu hari nnt die ucap babai pada aq or prgi tnp sepatah ape pon msti aq sedih nak mati kan ? die mngajar aq byk especially jaga hati sendiri dulu..jgn duk selfless sgt.. n aq yg tggal die..tggl drp mghrapkan sesuatu yg pasti aq xdpt...haha,tu ayat kawan baik aq..ape pnyer ayat la kawan aq tu..trcbut jntung coz sebak sgt..haha..so aq tggal die..lupakan sume memori ngan dien xmsg die dah..aq juz smpaikan lagu TUHAN JAGAKAN DIA..hehe :) aq xnak skit ati sbb laki..Skang ni aq da bhgia ngan kwan2 aq..rumet2 aq..adik2 aq..aq bhgia sgt...Thanks to u coz giving a gigantic impact..

Actually,it is just not because of him..Lau  kiter sndiri rase sedar n nak brubah n amik skiy mase utk pkir kelemahan kiter,we can face it ! take action if u want to change ! it really works !
2013 is year for me to stay S...huhu..i hope so ! aq da janji ng Mc JIIha..haha..

ni ade due quotes khas utk guy yg first aq citer,bkn yg bg inspirasi tuh..

#Living alone is better than living with people who hate you but acts like loving you..
~~aq xkesahlar lau kite kawan je pom..aq pon xnak lar org tak jujur gitu plus tamok..plus,aq bkn special lau nak sgt pom..i just can be a good n funny friend.but to be someone's partner,NO..i'm not ready..enough..

#Fall in love when youre ready not when youre lonely..
~~ ingat tu..jgn jd cam aq lak..pedih tau perpisahan tu..tp xpew,die dah lepaskan..n die pon garang sgt..xpadan ng aq yg behi gura sopmo..kite xkan penah lonely,except when we lose our frens..Its terrible ! Horrendous more than u lost ur Bf.woohoo ..

sincerely Miss LOL


  1. lawak der!! bhaha

    my real komen.. juz pray lar byk2.. yg penting dpt suami soleh yg dapat membimbing kamu ke arah keredhaan Allah.... :)

    p/s i know who are the guys you juz mention..

  2. Erm..sure ek ? maybe bkn btul pon yg you guess tue :p
