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Sumayyah's |
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Shyahirah's |
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Pia's |
Despite all of this happiness, ingatkan penat lelah March ni just for birthday celebration. hehe. rupenya ade lagi kebahagiaan Allah nak bagi. Tapi serious , seriously rase nak nangis sebab terharu dan happy sgtla. cant describe and i cant even express it with action and words. just hrap sgt this thing might end in proper way :")
MY CRUSH LIKES ME TOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ye, I thought he wasnt serious towards me. So, act mcm biase la kan. ignore je, sebab serious bab2 perasaan ni lau deal ng someone yg kite mmg serious kt dia, lau die nk main2 i wont layan. sbb sakit tu perit. Tak nak dah layan layan perasaan main2 ni. I like him a lot, not just for temporary but permanent of course . dah 21 kot , takkan nak cari yang x elok kan. So, mcm ni la alkisahnya. .
Satu malam tu, agk midnight la , we use to chat at midnight sbb aku mmg xkcau dia siang hari or awal mlm coz dis guy is kaki studi and agk pandai la actually. so xnak la heret die membazir mase ng aku.lgpon aku bukanla ade topik sgt nk berbual lame2. then, mlm tu die ws, asking opinion mcm mne nk tau org benci kite ke x. pastu ak potpet2 n die habaq yg die ad mntk tlg smone tu, tp org tu mcm kasar2 kt dia but still tlg die. so he assumed that the guy msti xsuke die. alolo cian my crush -_-
and and and duk hurai psl "how to know whther ppl hate u or not" die suddenly kuar dr topik. and said that magic words to me. yer tiga perkataan tu. 143 . and I ignored it at first and continued babbled about the matter. pastu die ckp he doesnt know what he felt at the moment, he likes me but at the same time, he rejects me. pastu die pon ckp sorry sorry sorry lalalalalala ~~~~~~~~ pastu, die pon ckp gak dont expect sweet2 things from him as he keeps it for marriage. tak tahula maksud kahwin tu kahwin ng aku ke general kan. so please dont go over the moon ain hiks ! tapi at least, crush suke balik tu kira syokla kan. korang hado? hahah ! then hari yg berbunga2 xberlalu smpai la skrg. :") Thanks ! I got nothing special but Ill try to do my best to be by your side, listening to ur sadness and happiness. baru baru ni kan cuti mid sem, and mase nak balik ke kampung masing2 tu, kebetulan kitorang contact. mase tu die xconfess lagi la. just bercia cia je tp tu pon improvement dh la. die dulu cold kot. ws pon kkdg je balas , ignore n sepatah2 je jawab. sabar kan aku suke org mcm ni? coz I am sure he has somthing spcial that he hides. ye ye je kan. dah suke tu mstila cakap benda baik je kan. xnampak dah buruknya. huhu. . Okayy continue,, we went to the same place, Kl sentral. die smpi lewat skit, so ak dh mkn time tu. n die terlepas train yg pukul 12.30. train strusnya kul 5. hehe. then aku teman die mkn. ohh ada akma sekali time tu. so bertiga okayyyy. teman die makan kt kfc je. eventhough krik2, mmg aku jmp die tu teman die makan semata2. xcakap pon, die sibuk dk scroll 9gags n gelak sorang2. ak tny2 baru die jwb. tp die comel je hihihi. walau xckp byk pon, ak da ckup happy sbb dpt la face to face ng dia. mase nk jmp tu, bkn main lame lg ak mundar mandir dk fikir nk pegi ke x nak pegi ke x. peluang xdtg salu kot. kt uia, nk trsmpak pon susah, apetah lg nk betegur sapa. xtaula knp ng die ni, i was a bit nervous. a bit la sgt. rase mcm byk. lau dlu ,die tgur pon ak da xtau nk ckp ape. -_- padahal tgur tny bnda bkait ng kelas je. lau trsmpak pon aku lari. Auww pemalunya Ain . so not me right? okay , lps teman mkn kt kfc, pegi surau solat2 n xjmp dah pastu. waktu cuti midterm xws sgt pon sbb duk rumah kan. hari ketige kt rumah ak ws, tu pon sptah je ws n spth je die jwb. pastu mase die balik uia, baru kitorg ws lame sikit.LOL. okay, xtahula korang rase benda ni happy ke tak but I to me, aku happy la jgk, sbb slame ni org yg nak kt aku, aku xnak. this time, ak nak, org nak jgk. so happy a bit. but kitorg kawan je ni even hopefully, perasaan tu ade la. maintain aku kau je hokayyyyyy.. still msg malam je. xmsg lame2 mcm org len pon n xbergayut pon. Im fine with this better. lgpon memasing ade life kan :) Pray for us hikhik <3
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Muke happy hihi :P |
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