AIN !! NAK BALIK !! :"(
Ok..korang mesti plik name sy mention name sy plak kan ?
Hahahaa..Well,actually it was a message received from my phone..
Not only A message,but maybe most of messages from the sender only contained that words.
smpai no spaces dh dlm fon sy nih !
**Nak balik rumah..**
Mesej ni dari adik sy , Dillo budak f4..
Actually, mase form 1 lagi die duk asrama..mase die form 1, sy form 3..
Alhamdulillah,mase die baru menginjak masuk ke asrama,ade kakak die..
Memang agak kemanjaan budak ni sorang mase F1 dlu..
Now I realized die lg manje dr Botet..
nasib baik bilik dkat n same block ,so lawat die everday.
Alhamdulillah ,naik form 2 she could adapt herself at the hostel la..
Naik form 4, she had to move out from that school coz the school only accomodate f1-f3 students only..
Her new school is more far rather than her previous school..
Far from house which means,we as *visitors will visit her seldom..
So,new school...
It takes time to adapt there though most of her friends also get there..
Biaselar ,biler tiade kakak terchintak ! disisi..
Wekk,perasan btul sy ni =.=
That nite after sending her to that school,she messaged me..
* Ain,gambar pasport Mia iley nim..gano nih.? Puah doh cari..pdahal letok dlm fail tuh jah..
Yelaa..xkanla nk suh die pegi ambik gmbr pulak tgh2 malam tuh..
*Carila dlu..takut selit2 kt celah2 kertas dlm fail..bla3..
That morning,she found that pictures..
The next day after that and that , we kept in touch through the phone
listening about her feeling,longiness about home,old school, her bestfriend that got different school.
Setakat ni,mmg xde dgr die kate best and any positive feelings..
When talking the phone , she would tell everything there..The students that is not new there(mmg asal skolah tu) hagah* n not eco-friendly..Malah, siap mapuh2 lg..
Ok, sekolah ape nih ! Sepatutnye ,lau budak baru masuk you guys should welcome them ,
makes they feel comfortable living there , new environment kan..
You guys yg spatutnye bg tunjuk ajar ,tunjuk etika baik n sahsiah terpuji..
Bg name sekolah tuh up skit !!!
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At her school.. |
Her face looked so gloomy..Nampak sgt sedih nk tggal sy kan ? Kua3.. Tau x , mase kitorang nak balik n futher ke Pengkalan Kubor die naik kete jgk n nak skip taklimat Form 4..hahaa
That night on Tuesday , she messaged me to call her A.S.A.P
So,kring kring here I come..
Briefly , she told me "Nok BALIK !! "
She wants to go outing on Saturday..
Just like Betty yg duk skolah asrama jgk..
jarak sekolah diorg fuh....... jauh sgt !
tp malangnyer, hari Sabtu is not available day for my parents..
My Dad ad dialisis n My Mum ad kelas DarusSyifa'..
due2 xleh skip......
So, how?
hari jumaat , Dillo and Botet plak yg x available....So, tnggu balik bermalam jelah..
But,somehow she cried tonite through the phone..
"Ain,jiwa aq xduk sini ! Xsey skoloh ni ! nok tukar skoloh.."
Ok,ini parah !!!
Dillo kate ,budak yg asal sekolah tu yg sekolah situ sejak Form 1 sgt la
biadap,hagah, n *bajet hot* ok ,copy paste from mesej die..
I dunno la how she faced it..
She told me that budak2 sane siap post kt twitter lg
mampuh budak2 yg baru dtg kt sekolah diorg..
So,korang sumer yg handle mase hari pndftran tu OLOK-OLOK baik jelah?
hahaha...Tp , xtaulah..coz mase tu mane tau kan korang sbnarnye talam muka..
Oh My.......
Ase macam nk pinjam Superman kejap untuk bawak gi sekolah Dillo..
n bawak die balik skali kt rumah..
Goyang kaki same2..hahaha..
Well,as a sister mmg sy xcakap n encourage die "Ho bagusla nk balik gak,tman Ain duk umah"
LOL..ape kjadah ayat camtu ! Die baru 2 thun lg tuh nk blajar..
Sabar jelah..Lame2 nnt okla tu..
Xyah hiraukan diorg,kan ramai doh kwan skolah lame yg dtg situ jgk..
Lame2 diorang stop la tuh..
Nnt ad cuti ,balikla ..rumah ni xgi mne eh.. :p
Gi situ ,fokus nak blajar je jgn serabut2..
Lau ad masalh lg,citer je ke Ain..muahahahahaa.......
Regarding this matter , I want to highlight here that a sister plays a significant role in a family..
Maybe , ad ssetengah family mcm xsuke kat kakak die , n maybe suke or maybe xde kakak.
Tuhan itu Maha Adil,dilahirkan menjadi seorang kakak dan sy mampu pikul t/jwb itu..
So,sayangilah kakak korang.Diorang syg sgt2 kt korang just korang je yg xtau.. HOHO
So,sayangilah kakak korang.Diorang syg sgt2 kt korang just korang je yg xtau.. HOHO
Like me, I dun have older sister coz I'm the eldest sister..Coz my older sister is my BFF..
Diorang la tmpat sy bermanja n mnjdi adik..hoho I am annoying adik at school..haha..
So, I always make sure that I play this role whenever my sisters need my guidance and advice..
Yept,sometimes I looked more childish with them.But ,it is just to cheer them up..
I love to see people surrounds me happy because of me..
** Terharu gituh :)
Rolling up all this matter ,
My mother and I gonna visit her on this Friday..Feeling so pity listening to her tears that night..
X sabar nye nak jmp Baby Dillo..
Dh lame x teriak panggil DILLO !!
p/s : tiap2 mlm msg ngan die :)
Im like tat too wt my akak T.T - RINA-
ReplyDeleteambo masa kt kubang pasu pun skali ngn akak, f2, dy f4...hahah, slalu duk ngn dio jah >.<
ReplyDeleteOuh korang anak2 bongsu..haha..Mesti suke kan ade kakak? msti my adik2 pon suke ada kakak cam sy.hoho..Adat kan ~
ReplyDeletebersyukurlah to those yg ade kakak..syangi mereka tau..acece