Ade ape dgn BLOK D ?????
BLOK D ni amende?
BLOK D was a block where I was thrown there when I was Form 5..
why I used *thrown*?
honestly,I loved EO (blok mase f4) much much much better than BLOK D..
yelaaa. mcm biase la..sape suke berpindah randah ni?
sape suke kena adapt2x tmpat baru ni.. so,bye2x my beloved frenz kt EO..
me n my only Kubis were thrown to BLOK D..
sgt kami gigih..gigih utk tetap bersama selamanye..
xnak jadikan *evacuation* made by wardens as batu pghalang utk kami bersama..
bg sape2x yg teramat mengenali driku yg xbrp dikenali ni,
I was a famous Nomad-Girl.. I nomadded to BLOK C
dimana sahabat2x ku yg berasal dari EO bersepah kat situ..
ok,cut it short..
lame2x lepas TRIAL SPM or nearly TRIAL kot,
I got a awareness to get in touch to all..All people in my batch n bla3x.
I want to create my own best memories in this last Alma Mater = MRSM PC.
so , tajuk entry ni nak menceritakan hal budak blok D..blok D ni ahli2x nye ramai..
ramai sgt.. Tasha,Pijah,Nora,Aisyah,Shuhada,Yatt,Dayana,Amalina,Timoh,Kubih,Icaa,Dhina,Nina n bla3.not to forget,my loveable D12 rumates
nak sebut pon xhbis gamaknye..So,I will tell about 4 lovable friends of mine in this Damai Block.
without them, I feel like something is missing in that block..Thats why I always went to Blok C..
hehehehe.. byk songeh je aku ni..pdhl mmg terhegeh2x dgn slimut hello kitty nk gi blok C..
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left: Momoy ,Iman,Me n Belon time ni kami ber4 hangout ke KbMall. galok habis. puah hati dpt jalan2x n borak2. :') |
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See the Chibi Maruku Chan? she gave to me as present for our everlast friendship. thanks Momoy.thanks 4 alls. |
antara ketiga2x cewek di ats,Aimi Amirah (name sbnr) org yg mule2x sy kenal kt mrsm Pasir Tumboh.
my roomate,tablemate,classmate mase form1.Roomates tu smpai f3.. so , mmg die rumet sy yg tersyg la..even sy dah ad rumet baru,rumet lame xkan kulupa ;')
Sape xkenal Aimi? die ni mcm motherly..selalu bwk mknan ,bg nasihat, n mmg ade tiap mase biler sy perlu.
kami pernah nangis same2x talking about our parents' sacrifices.. sedih sgt..Mase tu la naik smgt nk bljr..
antre kami ber4 die kurang tinggi jgn pndang melalui ketinggian.sbb antara kami die matang skali.even belon tggi skali,tp belon tu ==' lg gorm..hek3..Momoy ni ibarat my sister la,akak.coz I dun have sister..everything,I asked her..psl solat ke psl puase ke..lau loker sy xleh kunci,sy simpan duit,kamera,hp dlm loker die..Kami siap sharing baju kurung lagi.. kacikk nye kami ..huhu..Mostly, Momoy ni org first yg wish my birthday.. 2 thun berturut2x.. ase 2010 die lewat..hehe.Thanks Momoy sbb ingt my birthday..
Dulu ,mase sy duk D2.. die duk D4.. so blik kami dekatla..So,bermula dr situlah sy mengenali belon..rumetnyer yg AWESOME...Momoy ni penakut..Lau die nak gi toilet mlm2x,confirm die msg or ketuk pntu bilik sy suh teman die gi toilet..sejak Form1 lg btw.. -_- .. Pagi2x sy akn kuar asrama or breakfast dgn die.. die means Iman,Belon n MomoI.. Tp biasenyer,biler sy smpai DS.. I went to my bestfriend la..hek4.
Lau kite dtg blik die,msti die myorok dlm loker..bajet I xnampak.hak3.. Momoy ni kuat study.. lau msuk blik die,msti die duk depan meja or zzzz..
Die ni susah nk makan nasi..Hari2x nampak die makan biskut n roti je..Geram sunggoh..
She got nice handwriting SOOOO nice.. n die ni rajin mngemas.. I bet dlm bilik die,die la yg paling kemas..hek3x..
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Ni pon kt KbMall. muke xserik2 berjalan even naik trun escalator entah brp kali.. |
Iman ni? Iman ni kawan baik ngan Momoy mase Form 5.. kire2x die ni baru sedar kebaikan Momoy..hek3..
bagusla coz Iman ni classmate ngan Momoy.. * entah pape relation ak ckp nim..
Iman ni orgnyer femes.. I knew her coz mse form 4 dlu die kuat melalak kt EO.. Then,die ni suke pergi bilik Momoy..time sy nk ajak Momoy pergi prep,time tu jugakla ade die.. so, thats how I know her.. through Momoy.. Iman ni banyak cakap..n sy pulak suke mendengar n bercakap..So,mmg serasi la.. Iman ni suke kongsi rahsia n citer masalah.. tp bukan masalah die,masalah junior2x die yg tersyg..My phone is kinda of useless.but it become useful when Iman call n text me.. die la yg sntiase mmbuat fon ku asyik memekak tiap2x hari.. lots of story to tell me..hehe.. yelaa kat rumah nak citer kat sape..hehe.. Di ni penyayang jugak rupenyer.. Ramai kot junior kt my school duk tagging je dgn die..Ape yg Iman ade?Maybe aura seorang lovely senior.. I'm not that to lovely to my junior.. I become lovely wif my frens n real adik2x je..dh ramai adik ambo nim..he3.. So, Iman ni bkn shj dikenali dlm batch malah dlm klgn adik2x jugak.. mungkin sbb perangai die yg mudah friendly to anybody that makes adik2x syg ketat2x kt die.. credits to Shitah n Eisyqil kerana disygi dooh2x oleh kak Iman :p.. Iman ni telah buat kecoh kt mktb mase bulan puase..
*jahatnye aku..bukan die sengaje pon.. Die accident mase kt bazaar ramadhan..I was not there.So ,I imagined yg die jalan cane..Bak kate ayh die,die jalan tu *terbolah (clumsy) Iman ni mek Kalut rupenyer..hek3..Alhamdulillah skarang da boleh jalan..dlu kena naik wheelchair>>tongkat..
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ermm nampak x? tu Iman n Belon. |
Iman ni,lau pagi2x or mlm2 or tiap harila xdengar suare die nyanyi msti pelik..Coz tiap2x ari die akan nyanyi dgn selantang2x nye.. me? jiran die ..jiran yg paling dekatla..My rumets selalu terjage dgr die nyanyi lagu Najwa Latiff yg Kosong 3x.. -_- sape tak kenal die? suare ROCK bkn Najwa,Iman maksud sy suare rock.. Iman ni kate die ni kasar mcm laki.. Well Iman, I think u're not that boyish..Boyish is a kind of closed to boys,wear like boys,get easy with boys n *yelaa korang tau kan org tomboy camne..Lau perempuan mcm I pon rase geli,nak kawan ng tomboy..Sorry to say.. Tapi ,Alhamdulillah.Iman you're not that type..You're a good Muslimah,tutup aurat,tudung labuh..n suke bg ceramah kat adik2x.. Well,you know yourself better.. I'm just telling you the truth..YOu're not that devil..Satu lg,Iman ni kdg2 garang jugak.. Die la yg kate die garang.. Maybe sometimes.. Yupt,I admit that we seldom can control our emotions esp when er got mad.. Xpew,cubelah utk lebih chill n tidak mudah meradang..You can do it..Iman jage Momoy baik2x if korang duk same U nnt.. hehe.. Iman, thanks for every good deeds that you have done to me.. Bringing me to Karnival JOM masuk U, fly to home with you *opss terbocor.. treating me.. melayan kerenahku yg xpernahnye btul n everything..I could give nothing but Allah will pay your good deeds Insha Allah..btw, ape yg sy tlg awk slame ni teman kt sickbay,no hard feeling n xde pape pon.skadar buat kebajikab n eratkan ukhwah kite .. x gitu? I got lots of lovable memories in there. <3 rase rindu plak kt sickbay..kan2x? :p
lastly to Belon....
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hangout at KbMall. tngginye aku -_- |
BELON !!!!!!! cane ni jadi name BELON.. name die Aneys Nabella (name fb)
Awal2x I called her Belle .. tapi lame2x nak panggil Belon la plak..
She called me Enon ! amekaw# kenal belon ni melalui Momoy jugak..Belon ni syg dooh ke Momoy.
btuah Momoy coz ramai syg die.. * nak jugak.. hehe..
Belon ni terrer .terrer memasak,terror make up,terror English,habis keterroran amik ke die..
Dahla kulit licin,putih gebu ! jeles I. !!! Die minat giler Bio n nak sgt jadi doktor..she told me that she wanted to be a doctor since she was a child.. Insha Allah,kite doakan die jadi doktor ek..
Belon ni, die suke bace essay bi org..die slalu citer probs kat sy.. Lau prob dgn fren,rumet *opss..
yer,sy sgt syg Belon sy ni..Belon ni mmg awesome.. *same tolol dgn sy.. So,we get easily closed becoz our similarity..Belon ni sgt friendly.. Die disukai ramai ..kawan2x die n klasmet die sume syg die..I bet la espcially Dibah n Piniey.. Classmate die. <3 Belon is an easygoing girl..jarang tgk die sedih..coz die slalu happy n got humour (erm humour ape ek org pggil?) humour element? -_-
ape yg aku nk ckap ni? she got funny stuff to laught together.. :D
Belon ni suke sgt ikan keli..Lau ade menu Ikan keli mlm tu,die lar yg paling exsaited nak pergi dewan makan..Lau lupe nak ajak,kompem die sedih..Belon ni suke buat lawak.. die pandai buat suare pelik2x..bunyi monyet la ape la..mmg tersembur la lau time tu sy minum air..hek3x..
Belon ni pon mcm kakak sy..die slalubg nasihat n tny kabar sy..huhu..terharuu ad kwan gini..thanks Belon..
I <3 so mucchh.. Mak belon pandai giler masak..selalu belon bwk masakan mak die n mnjemput kaki mkan = me to her room..mmg la malu nk pergi tp die akn heret sy dr my room pergi blik die yg kt bawah tu..
grr... So,rapatla sy ngan rumet2x die..hoho.. Belon oh Belon.. I really adore her.. die ni jenis caring..pernah menjadi cubemate sementara mase kt sickbay.hoho,kubisan jgn jeles..Ade cubemate baru..lallalalaal
Die ad mentee... die slalu btny khbr psl mentee die sal pljran..susah nk cari org yg xkdkut ilmu tau..Nasib baik ad org cam Belon.. Belon skang ni tgh keje jadi cashier kt Shell..die kate ramai giler yg nak tackle die..
siap ad yg mitak no n serah no lg.. ==' seramnye..hak3.. xpew,my Belon mmg Hot pon ! suke jangok.hak3..
Nanti Belon da jadi Doktor cari Enon tau.. Enon nak tgk Dr Belon yg ganas ni rawat psakit die..hek3..
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hehe ni ribbons beli kt KbMall.. jgn kasi hilang tau ! pakai sopmo ! |
budak nomad, haha, ambo kt mktb dlu nomad sokmo, kt PC dop, sbb brehi tido jah, malas nok gi blik2 org lain..hahah
ReplyDeletesuko dy wt post psal saing2, nnty wt psal ambo pulok...hahahhaha
Uwaaaa , sweeettnyee , terharu aku . Sobs sobs . Aku syg mu <3
ReplyDelete@fatini adlina hang mmg.. sleeping bear btul..tido sopmo :p
ReplyDeletepsl demo nge nyet2x deh..hek3..
@ashraf noor iman :O terharoo? <3 speechless -_-
nomad to my room :D
ReplyDeletehuhu panjanggg dooh :") peluh2 bace. huhu. memories of uss in pc are nice though
ReplyDeleteyes ur room @nurul izzati :D
ReplyDelete@sharina hakeem hang mmg kuat berpeluh..kuat byr tanah tu mndi x td ? :p