Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Azam 2015 !

most of my roomates kat uia sume fikir sy ni exsaited sgt nak masuk sem baru ni. they dont know what i think actually. byk benda yg sy fikir. its not easy to face ppl yg mostly dh ade degree.dah fly sumee. best tgk kawan2 yg dh degree and fly. alhamdulillah, sy dikelilingi kawan2 yg pandai dan baik2. naseb baik diorg sudi kawan ng sy.. anyway, i just want to express my gratitude for having them ya Allah. mama kate xsume org bertuah, disayangi kwn2. sbb most humankind ni, always ade sifat benci, jeles and etc. and alhamdulillah, sy xdpt kwn cmtu. xtaulaa if ade.tp i hope i dont have them. nothing to be jealous about me. coz im just an ordinary girl that is showered with love and love of  ppl. pffft. ayt cm perasan je, cm org sayang je. wallahualam ,hope diorg really love me. do you  ?

back to the topic, nape tahun ni tibe2 ade azam ?

kisahnyee sebab , 

1)tahun ni is last sem kat uia untuk asasi. if sy ade kena repeat paper and so on, xleh nak repeat mase short sem , sebab tahun ni xde short sem !! melainkan awk nak extend lagi setahun for asasi !
so make sure studi betul2 for sem ni , jgn main2 sikit pon. utk maruah diri sendiri gk yer ain ..

2)mostly, reason ade azam sbb nak masuk degree dah. and degree to in shaa allah nak amik jurusan english. thank you so much kubis for always xletih dgr rungutan rengekan kubihs awk yg sbenarnye xpndi pon bi. tp sy xjumpe ap minat syy dh for future. and thank for shuhadah jgk, my roomate yg salu pesan suh istikarah if xtau nk plih ape.. she's right. i have to ask guidance from Allah .

3) hah, okay. tahun ni, i should cut down my hobby which is keluar tiap kali weekend. mmg i often keluar sbb nyer nk jmp kawan2 sekolah. and tahun ni sharina, tini , aimi , iman, aidiq , ety akn fly dahh. so lau kuar pon in shaa allah for sake of them. jgn diikutkan nafsu nak shopping tu ain. simpan duit skettt.. nnt hbis asasi bulan 5 ni, kuarlaaa nak kuar sgt.. tak lari kemane pon jalan tar tuhhh. hehehe.. 

4) then, kena kurangkan wassap and jgn jadi active sgt laaa  kt wasap.. bukannye dpt anugerah pon ainggg wehh. xperlu update gmbr kt ig tiap hari.tiap minggu pon xyah. hahaha. beria sungguh nak tnjuk yg ang tu keluar.keluar senyap2 sudahh.. 

5) kena kurangkan tidur dahh sem ni.. xperlu laa nak stay up lame2 if most of night u xdpt sgt pon ilmu tuu.. kali ni, make sure study tak lame, tp hasilnye lumayan.. kena fikir,lepas study tu, dpt tak hasilnye ???? jgn mase je terbuang okay ?

6) study kuat2 pon, jgn lupe Allah. ingtlah yg Allah yg berkuase ats segalenyer..so beribadahlaa kpd allah selagi ade kudrat.. solat lah di tengah malam. solat taubat laa wahai ain.. semoga ibadah seterusnyee diterima Allah. if u keep performing hajat prayer, tp xsolat taubat cane Allah nak terima if dosa terdahulu xterhapus lagi ? pandai2 la awk fikir yer ain.. semoga setiap perjalanan kehidupan ini dirahmati Alllah. Ameen. 

7)semester ni, i will be taking 4 subjects they are 

  chemistry 2,mathematics 3, understanding Islam and computer 2.

ye mmg sedih utk belajar benda2 yg u will not take it as ur major for degree.tp awk kena redha ain. jgn stress2. studi jerr.. dptkan best result and continue in what you can. in shaa allah Allah permudahkan sumenyer.. have faith towards Him. Allah is the best planner. bak kat shuhadah, belajar tu wajib, kerja tak wajib.. -____-

8) semalam duk bincang ng shuhadah sal azam tahun baru.. antare main point die is psl makan. she said nak diet. 1kg utk 1bulan..carenyee, breakfast , pastu lunch with dinner trus.. malam plak makan biskut ng milo jee. tp die xnk mkn nasi.nk mkn mi or mihun je. ya rabbi. part tu trpakse  unfollow sbb letihlaaa xdpt mkn nasi.. n die nak dinner around kul 4 cmtu. mak aih.. mmg kelaparan lah guwe. in shaa allah my dinner will be around six. xnak mkn lewat sgt, nnt ngantok nk studi. tp xnk awal sgt.. nnt kelaparan plak mase belajar.. macam2 kan,, 

9) still thinking lepas subuh nak tidur ke x.even mmg we are all aware yg lps subuh xelok tidur.nnt tertutup pintu rezeki. cane ni aing weh???? kena bljr laa xtido lps subuh. bace mathurat ke, jogging ke apee.. cane nk mudah bljr if pint rezeki tertutup, .. 

10) i need to beriadah this time. lau x ,otak xcerdas. and byk lemak malas yg terkumpul.. kena keluarkan jugak peluh even not daily.. akn dipertimbangkann .. maybe twice a week or during weekend only.. bestnyee dpt jogging tiap2 pagi.hrp2 shuhadah nak laa teman aku jogging nnt. hehe. doakan die lembut ati yer guys.. i love her so much :)

11) okay, nk sentuh psl outing plak utk tahun baru ni. make sure bukan tiap2 minggu kuar, n dlm tiap2 minggu kuar tu, pick a day only to paint the town red. and jgn hbiskan duit utk tgk wayang even mmg awk bkn kaki wayang.. dh bwk kan hardisk this sem..so tgk dlm laptop je.. hopefully dpt bwk laptop pi uia. not this one. sepupu pny.hrp die pny tak rosak n i still can write here. 

as a wrap up, i really hope from you guys ( xtaulaa ade org nak bace ke x ni) hrp sgt sem ni i will achive my target.. dpt tinggi carry mark, dpt skor mase mid sem, dpt skor tiap kali ade kuiz and dah ade guts utk presentation . -___- and diberi ingatan yg kuat utk hafal hadis and ayt quran utk subjek Understanding Islam ni ..huhu. i want to succeed with flying colours this time. huhu.. 
sincerely Miss LOL

1 comment:

  1. amin ... sy doakan azam awk termakbul . hehe
    and, english awk ok ler -_-
