hari tu, my face was quite severeeeeee.. sangat2 excruciating sebab kulit jadi menggelupas and memerahh..stiap kali cuci muke msti pgg pipi sbb pedih sgtt.. tahan jeeee.. nasib baik la one day my mum ade duit and quite free on that time .. so she brought me to klinik dr harun. klinik kulit. she spent rm88 for my skin.and alhamdulillah sekarang dah xmenggelupas and merahhh. alhamdulillah sgt.. thank you Allah.. semoga rezeki Mama melimpah ruah and xdelaa ain rse serba salah sgt hbiskan your rm88 tuu. u know how much sy berusaha utk taknak trouble her. xnak my mum spend much money for me. ckupla diri sendiri xmenyusahkan mama. biarlah adik2 nak still bermewah2 ke ape. susah jugak kite nak pesan byk kali yg papa dah xde. xleh nk shopping mewah mcm dulu.. i have my own stand. xnk spend lot of money smate2 nafsu or keinginan.. kalau perlu , baru shop. in shaa allah. and ppl pon tau yg sy ni mmg kuat kuar jenjalan tp less spending on priceless things. hahah membebel pasal duit plak. pdhl topik muka..
nak kulit haluss macam ety and kubisssssss...
everyone has turned out being very damn good looking especially ss. so me, feeling so insecure and want to follow their steps.
sekarang ni pakai dnars skincare. yes, i admit sy kuat tuka produk.. lols. harapnye this will be the last.. even kdg2 rase kering jugak pakai dnars ni.. tp sumer dh back to normal lps letak ubat provided by doctor.. doctor tu just bg ubat je mase jumpe die.tgk muke pon tidak. well, die dh tau kerja die kan.name lg doktor pakar kulit. ya allah semoga mukaku tak ditumbuhi jerawat dah. dahla 18 hb ni jd bridesmaid. dh byk kli dhhh tolak offer, tp my cousin ni xde org sgt dh kott. suruh mia, die xnak plak.hope i can appear as a nice bridesmaid even selawa bridesmaids lain nnt. hehehe...
ckp psl dnars skincare... i bought the set for rm53.. pastu beli toner rm18.krim kuneng for rm20. mahal gak la. tp murah lagi compare to Kaylena and Tabita.. rasenyer. i spent most money for the sake of my skin. dhlaa seafood mmg xmkn and mmg i really concern about my diet. so mmg bab pemakanan bkn punce utk kulit rosak. so xtau lar yer slh ape.. mungkin kurang vitamin dlm badan kot. nak beli satin skinzzzz tp mahal giler ahh ... rm 150 kot..(satin skinz is a vitamin porduct yg kononnye kan cure mslh kulit and byk lg benefit die.. gugel la. typical me yg suke bace review products and terliur nk try.end up last2 xberkesan ng diri sendiri) lau org nk belanja xpe gk.tp sape la nk belanje for hundreds gituu.. sokay2 aing.. bljr elok2.. nnt apply scholarship. pastu gune duit scholarship utk bli benda tu. see? dh ad planning xxelok utk duit biasiswa.. ajet2 dpt jee biasiswa. ya rabbi.. ya Allah. permudahkanlah sy utk apply biasiswa utk degree.xnak mama rase burden tanggung sy... Mama , i love u and thanks for willing to take care six of us alone.. in shaa allah , we wont create any trouble. maaf jika spnjg ketiadaan papa n hri2 strusnye ain ade kecewakan mama. in shaa allah it wont happen anymore. *baru rase nak jd kakak yg bergune,, slame ni mmg berguna jugak, tp kdg2 ade jugak time malas nk buat kerja rumah. tp tu je kelebihan yg awk ade ain. rajin. so please jgn malas. nnt da berjiran ng ss, nak tlg die kemas rumah die kan ? hahaaha ape pny angan2 laa ng ss ni.. semoga nnt ss dpt bibik yg bleh kemas rumah die ng sares .. ameen
last but not least, doktor pesan for the time being, jgn mkn ayam kampung, telur ayam, ikan bilis( baru tau ikan bilis cause itchy) ikan aya, belacan, seafood kacang.. alhamdulillah naseb baik xperlu berpantang sgt sbb mmg xmkn pon benda tu except for the anchovies.. so xleh mkn anchovies je.. nad my mum told me jgk yg ikan bilis tuu even kecik, kalori die tinggi giler expecially kt kepale and yg black-like kt body die.so lau nk bli bilis tu,sebolehnyee mntk yg dah terbelah due.. lols. sekadar info okay ? ikan bilis mmg sedapp tp menggemukkan rupenyerrr.. #prayforhealthylife
sedo . napok sngt lamo dh x jjupo sy . haha . tabita mahal ko bis ?
ReplyDeletehmmm tapi dnars ok rasonyo. Ado saem sy paka , jjadi jgk la tapi ambik a few months nk licing tu