Wednesday, 21 December 2016
SHOPPING is a satisfaction XD
Well I love december. Acewah bukan december je. I love all days where I can go shopping. tapi december ialah bulan yg ditunggu2 oleh para wanita khususnya insan yg bernama Ain Irdinaaa ni kots sebab Ain ni suka beli benda yang within her budget and I can afford to purchase it using my own pocket money. senang cite December ni byk YEAR END SALE, CLEARANCE SALE and macam2 ah. waduhhhh ! okay anyway sebenarnye semalam rase puas sebab dapat shopping even online. jarang sgt shopping online or maybe ni first time kot beli online from IG sebab biase mahal kan sebab postage and so on. mostly suke beli barang yg dah display kat kedai macam tu sebab senang nak pilih colour and jenis material and jugak saiz, muat tak muat longgar tak longgar. Tapi semalam shopping shawl. mengidam shawlll sangat22222222.. nak beli shawl maroon, skin colour, soft pink, light green, and many more. tapi tu je yg ade dlm kepala skrg ni. Lau xbeli mesti terbayang2.. tapi nak yg murah . hahaha. biasela. I'm very picky when it comes to shopping. so semalam, i bought from an IG shop that Ive been following all this while. selama ni mampu tgk je sebab harge die mahal ya ampun !!!!! memang tgk jela kerja. tgk and like. tp smlm dia announce SALE. ape lgi, ptg tu dh siap2 save number. bile die dh letak kt catalogue, terus I pm. kihkih. So, basically just nk menceritakan kelegaan bile dpt shopping. setelah menahan diri dr shopping due to exam week and study week and also last week of class ! memang hectic sangat222 sampai nak pecah kepala den. okayy, doakan Ain dpt jawab 6 papers sem ni. first paper on 24/12/2016 and today is 22/12. lets get started ! Bismillah ~
sincerely Miss LOL
Friday, 2 December 2016
Adab Meminta Tolong XD
This post is not dedicated to anyone, but I guess I really need to write a bit about the 'adab' since I feel like most of the people who are seeking for help mostly not seeking the real 'help' ( I mean they DONT really need the help, they are just too lazy to do it and not asking for help, but rather force ppl to help )
Okay, mcm ni. nak cerita serba sedikit pasal people who love to ask for my help. tapi don't get me wrong. seriously, I love to help people and I realise yg sometimes I really think hard to solve people's difficulties and even sacrifices my time or energy for them. tapi rasenyer org misuse my willingness and often tak consider pon bile mintak tolong.
cara mintak tolong tu x macam mintak tolong pon.
it sounded like this :
"boleh tak kau tolong fotostat 10000 pages nota ni? aku xde mood lah hari ni nak pegi kedai fotostat"
"boleh tak kau bukak website ni, pastu tolong snap gambar tu pastu antar kat aku. cepat sikit wei. aku nak guna ni. ... .... wei asal xdapat lagi ni??????? aku tunggu ni.. online je kau ni.... "
"weh teman aku pegi tandas. teman aku pegi kedai tu, kedai ni. teman ak balik kampung. teman aku kemanaaa sahajaaaaaaaaaaa. transport kau bayar sendiri muahahahhahahaha "
Okay, maybe my example mcm hyperbola sgt kot. tapi points dia kat sini, the help that people ask mostly macam :
1) memaksa untuk buat
2) tak consider orang tu boleh tolong ke tak, free ke tak
3) tanya banyak kali, bertubi tubi..
4) still tanyaa even orang tu dah buat muka reluctant and dah tolak
okayy, so heres a few list of adab in requesting help from others.
firstly,,,, lau nak mintak tolong orang, tanya duluuu sama ada orang tu available tak free tak pastikan dia free dluuu before u go forward asking help from her. so that, kau pon xde terbagi harapan kat dia....
next,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, reconsider duluu help kau tu.. memanggg perlukan pertolongan ke? memang tak mampu nak buat sorang ke? fikir banyak kaliiii.... sebab nak susahkan orang nii... kena simpatiii jugak. huhu. jgn terbiase mintak tlg, be independent..
pastuu, kalau orang yg kau ask help tu mcm reluctant and xdpt tlg, jgnla pakse lagi.. jangan la buat die rase besalah xtlg.. make sure u dont do that. lau mcm pesen aku ni, ak jenis mudah rase bersalah. pstu, org mmg suke buat ak rse mcm tu. smpai kekadang, ak buat dngn terpaksa. huwaaa. nak pahala. tp jgn la mintak tolong kasaq2 and paksa. bg org suke rela tolong gittew.
last but not least, kena tahu yg orang yg kau selalu mntk tlg tu ade masa utk diorg sendiri, dah organize hidup diorg sndiri. n kau xleh sewenang2 nye nk ubah planner diorg dgn pegi isi aktiviti "teman kau" "tolong kau" tuuu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
sincerely Miss LOL
Okay, mcm ni. nak cerita serba sedikit pasal people who love to ask for my help. tapi don't get me wrong. seriously, I love to help people and I realise yg sometimes I really think hard to solve people's difficulties and even sacrifices my time or energy for them. tapi rasenyer org misuse my willingness and often tak consider pon bile mintak tolong.
cara mintak tolong tu x macam mintak tolong pon.
it sounded like this :
"boleh tak kau tolong fotostat 10000 pages nota ni? aku xde mood lah hari ni nak pegi kedai fotostat"
"boleh tak kau bukak website ni, pastu tolong snap gambar tu pastu antar kat aku. cepat sikit wei. aku nak guna ni. ... .... wei asal xdapat lagi ni??????? aku tunggu ni.. online je kau ni.... "
"weh teman aku pegi tandas. teman aku pegi kedai tu, kedai ni. teman ak balik kampung. teman aku kemanaaa sahajaaaaaaaaaaa. transport kau bayar sendiri muahahahhahahaha "
Okay, maybe my example mcm hyperbola sgt kot. tapi points dia kat sini, the help that people ask mostly macam :
1) memaksa untuk buat
2) tak consider orang tu boleh tolong ke tak, free ke tak
3) tanya banyak kali, bertubi tubi..
4) still tanyaa even orang tu dah buat muka reluctant and dah tolak
okayy, so heres a few list of adab in requesting help from others.
firstly,,,, lau nak mintak tolong orang, tanya duluuu sama ada orang tu available tak free tak pastikan dia free dluuu before u go forward asking help from her. so that, kau pon xde terbagi harapan kat dia....
next,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, reconsider duluu help kau tu.. memanggg perlukan pertolongan ke? memang tak mampu nak buat sorang ke? fikir banyak kaliiii.... sebab nak susahkan orang nii... kena simpatiii jugak. huhu. jgn terbiase mintak tlg, be independent..
pastuu, kalau orang yg kau ask help tu mcm reluctant and xdpt tlg, jgnla pakse lagi.. jangan la buat die rase besalah xtlg.. make sure u dont do that. lau mcm pesen aku ni, ak jenis mudah rase bersalah. pstu, org mmg suke buat ak rse mcm tu. smpai kekadang, ak buat dngn terpaksa. huwaaa. nak pahala. tp jgn la mintak tolong kasaq2 and paksa. bg org suke rela tolong gittew.
last but not least, kena tahu yg orang yg kau selalu mntk tlg tu ade masa utk diorg sendiri, dah organize hidup diorg sndiri. n kau xleh sewenang2 nye nk ubah planner diorg dgn pegi isi aktiviti "teman kau" "tolong kau" tuuu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Monday, 22 August 2016
Cuti kali ni or apparently bulan ni, aku banyak dengar pasal kematian. kematian sanak saudara, kematian saudara kawan kawan dan sebagainya. dah empat kematian yang aku dah visit. 3 from sedara + kawan mak aku, satu from ayah kawan aku. tak kurang jugak berita pasal orang yang ditimpa penyakit, contohnya kawan mak aku, baru find out kena kanser usus. yang accident pon banyak jugak. seram sangat. sometimes, pernah jugak aku mintak mati. hmm, ni pendek akal namanya. bile aku rase sedihh sgt or rase mcm the whole world doesnt need and love me, i think the best way is to die. -_- tapi xdela serious sgt smpi make efforts to end my life. just terfkir mcm tu.. tpi bile ditarbiah balik diri ni, ramai yg mati skrg ni mintak nk dikmbalikan kedunia. nak tebus balik dosa dosa lalu.. aku boleh imagine situasi tu. just like when u committed the sins, and you really regret with those sins, and mmg really2 want to putar balik masa dan tak buat. so mcm tula lbih kurang dgn org yg dah mati mintak hidup. both impossible. kite just boleh bertaubat n mintak Allah ampunkan dosa tu. bile kite selalu keep in mind such things, kite mmg takkan buat silap. tp tulah masalahnya. bile buat, tak ingat pulak benda2 ni.. im so terrified. i wish to die but am i ready ? x kan. so lepas ni, kena always be prepared untuk mati. elakkan buat dosa dan tingkatkan amal ibadah. kadang2, dosa yg kite buat tu, kite xnampak pun and kite sedar xsedar je buat. contohnye, dengki or bersangka buruk.. mostly benda ni berkait ng friends and family. lau ng family tu, rase xdisayangilah rse disisihkan la dan sebagainye. kdg2 tu baik xyah fikir la, buat serabut kepala je. truskan idup, buat kerja elok2, janji ade tmpt berteduh. gittew. lau kawan tuuuuuuuuuu, kawan kan ramai. kawan je ng semua. lau ad yg xbrp nak ikhlas tu, ramai lagi kan yang ikhlas. ok bai. nk tlis psl benda lain lak.
sincerely Miss LOL
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
Alhamdulillah sangat Allah kurniakan kerajinan kali ni nak menaip. walhal dari zaman ramadhan dan awal syawal lagi, bertimbun timbun dah citee nak taip kat sini. tp dek kerja rumah yang tak pernah habis plus malas lagi nak bukak laptop, sambung charger pe sume.. most of the stories mampu taip dalam otak je.. mostly pendahuluan je siap. yes, i wrote them in my antara yang aku nak cakap maybe pasal rezeki aku sejak cuti, mood yang swinging, rasa tak dihargai, rasa nak bercuti, rasa nak berjimat, cut off shopping, pondering about my future, treating my face and losing some weight. Fuhh, bnyak kan? tu baru some of them, oh yeah nak belajar menjahit, memasak, jadi wanita yang lemah lembut, ada ciri2 kewanitaan yang lelaki nak, no more childish, no more silly jokes and no more ugly appearance .
Ok, we begin with rezeki. hurm.. sedihla nak cakap pasal rezeki ni. cuti kali ni, rezeki aku macam kurangla. bukan nak cakap pasal xbersyukur ke ape tau. tapi, contohnya la, aku cari kerja di tesco, kb mall, billion, mydin and many more places.. semua tu reject aku. omgee. so memang ak menganggur sepanjang cuti tiga bulan ni. hu hu. so nampak kan xde rezeki part cari kerja ? so im jobless and moneyless. pastu ak ceritaa laaa kat si Nazhan ni. sape Nazhan ni? ekekekeke pujaan ati kitew la. yg comel2 manja tu. hu hu. pastuuu die pon citeee laa, die pon same jobless ng akuu. tp rezeki die murah jee kt umah. pastu die soal aku, aku ni bersedekah ke tak? aku pon mcm trfkir, sedekah ni byk jnis en. lau aku ni, ak bersedekah pakaian dan kasut mcm tu laa. pastu ak trfikir, mybe rumah aku ni selalu je buang mkanan.bukan la buang, tp makanan basi la , terperap lame dalam peti la. mcm tu jee. bknla mkanan aku family and tetamu yg dtg suke tggl mkanan dlm peti. umah ak peti xelok sgt dan kecikkk gila. so xmuat la banyak2. and aku ni pulak bibik kt rumah. the one yg kemas every single thing in house include kemas peti, kosongkan sink and more. so mostly aku la yang pembuang rezeki tu. even ak pon mmg sedih and frust dgn benda2 yg terpakse dibuang. nak makan pon dah basi, berkulat hapee dah. kangg tercirit plak. so basically, moral dr cerita Nazhan tuu , kite kena bersedekah dan jangan berkira. die biase sedekah kt masjid tiap kali solat Jumaat. aku ni plak perempuan en so jrg p masjid. ok no excuses Ain Irdina. so ayuhla bersedekah kepada yang memerlukan and tanamkan niat nak tolong orang dan semoga rezeki yang Allah bagi ni halal dan berkat.
Pasal mood swinging tu, aku xtau laa kenapa aku ni emo smcm jee. mungkin aku annoyed or mybe adakah ini perangai aku yang sebenar? oh no, nauzubillah, ok senang cite la en, ak cam geram n annoyed tgk aku jeee buat keje umah.. its ok buat keje umah. tapi org mcm wat dek je, mcm worsening je. like kau kemas ,at the moment kau kena berleter lagi suruh orang kemas and jgn sepahkan. contohnye, baju kotor letak dlm bakul, tuala sangkut lepas mandi, lepas kuar tandas tutup lampu, baju yg dah dilipat simpan dalam almari.. kasut susun leklok. yer, aku emo benda remeh kan. but benda senang kan? you all can do it. pastu aku jadi annoyed jgk sbb aku rase ppl see me as someone yg tegas, suke berleter n so on. n mcm aku ni lebih plak dr mak aku. sbb mak ak tak tegas. hu hu. maybe ad tegas die but not at house chores. so mmg part tu aku handle. rase mcm dah jadi mak pon ade. ok so aku harap those yg read this paragraph n jenis sepesen mcm adik2 aku ni, tlglaa jd responsible for small things ok? kasihanilah kakak mu. even die sulung, even die hold the largest responsibilities, help her by reducing the burden. adik2 pon sume dah besau kot :") but now im a bit ok, sbb bile ak tgk mak ak byk jatuh sakit lately and mcm sgt bergantung aku tlg die bereskan hal rumah, aku rase cm mak ak hargaila aku en. ak pon patut tlg laa kurangkan beban die and lebihkan bersabar . niat ikhlas, and percaya if kau ikhlas Allah akn bg ganjaran yg lg besar and tlg aku later. in shaa allah. stick to that points la kot, and kau akan kuat and seronokk je buat keje umah. mak aku banyak kali demam baru2 ni. and Nazhan dlu salu laa pesan suh picit2 mak kite even xdisuruh ke ape. ak mmg jaranglaa urut mak ak lau die xsuruh sbb mak aku ni jarang sakit n die mmg power urut2. bleh buang angin sume. so tringtkan pesanan Nazhan tu, aku urut mak aku.smpai menguap2.. alhamdulillah, even aku xtau die rase relieve ke x, but listening ppl appreciating ur efforts was such a relief ! even lau kite buat pape, kite kena expect nothing. ade org xkan ckp tq, xkan appreciate and so on. kite kena niat ikhlas je. but yeah, kite manusia , we tend to expect a thing even only a thanks ! barula rase mcm alhamdulillah, menjadik jugak aku urut, die lega sikit ak urut or something like that .K. xD
Sori sebab panjang lagi. wtv la kan, bukannye ramai readers pon. paling sikit pon, aku sndiri gak yg bace. keh3. pastu, aku sekarang memang nekad ya Allah sies aku nekad tak nak shopping dahhhh ! tolonglaa Ain stop shopping. stop rase nk beli benda comel ke ape unless benda tu PERLU and YOU DONT HAVE IT YET. aritu tgk kasut berkenan. td tgk beg kate spade berkenan. ya ampun. ak sbnrnye kena sedar , aku xde duit and aku kena start kumpul duit dr skrg. sbb aku nak kawen awal. hahahaa so probably lau nak kawen lepas keje tuu , tipis la sbb ak ni jauh lg perjalanan nak habis belajar. mungkin 3/4 tahun lagi. 2019 baru nk kawen.. umor 24,25 baru nk kawen. huwaa. mmg jodoh tak lari. tapii tulaa. ok tu mslh aku kot sbb tringin nak kawen. best sgt ke kawen tu? kwn ak ad yg xnk kawen. akuuu entahlah. berangan je lebih. tp in shaa allah nk kawen awal.nk kumpul duit. nak kerja part time mse cuti.. tapi cuti ni kite halal2 jela eh. hahaha burn 3 bulan. xpe ain. byk lg cuti, kite kerja betul2 yer. jgn malas2. nak kawen jgn malas. nak kawen jgn spend duit tuu. BERJIMAT WOI. huhu. kau dah ad byk kasut. beg,baju , skirt n semuaaaa.. gune je yg mane ade.. biarlaa adik2 kau tu nk shoping sakan.jgn peduli ! biarla diorg xnak dgr. diorg da besar dah.. fokus on urself.. be a better u. u re what u re in future. u r the resemblance of ur kids and hubby. <3 ok moral of this paragraph, simpan duit, berjimat, jgn shopping, bykkan part time, jgn spent, berkira la skit bab shoping tu ok simpan duit. simpan simpan simpan ! yeayy n kawen dgn prince charming. huhu .
pondering about future ek? yela aku baruu je tuka course BENL english course.. ingt nk buat minor IT... n mybe mase degree still pnjg while kwn2 oversea kau dah kerja, dah bleh beli kereta, rumah n kawen. ok xpe ain. kite kuat, tabah, sabar. n yakin aturan Allah itu ade hikmahnye. so aku hrp byklaa keje ak bleh cri with sijil dgree mcm ni with benda yg aku minat sejak kecik. doakan yer. :')
treating my face and losing some weight. muke alhamdulillah, makin membaik sgtttttttttttt even still xflawless. kna rajin cucimuke, pakai skrub, pakai sunblok and pakai ubat jerawat, and also detox ! nk jogging tu xrajin lagi. bilaa la nak buang toksik thru exercises. pastuu berat badan en. mmg laa maintain kan, tp selera tu bertambah and pipi makin melebar and thigh gap dah kurang.. aiyoo mmg kna kurangkan nasi n ganti ng oat. hopefully it works la. sbb oat mmg sedap mcm nasik ! sies. cube laa mkn oat berlauk. just tuka nasik kpd oat. lauk same je. #ops
pastuu cuti berbaki sebulan lagii.. sies bosan gilee asyik repeat benda same je kt umah. paling best pon weekend, adik2 balik , kuar ng kawan, borak2 ng mak or nenek (tu pon kalau rajin tido kampung) and driving. tu jela hiburan aku. nk tgk tv malas gile, xtgk pon sgt tv. haha. mmg mama kate hobi ak ni lipat kain. LOL . ma, ain buat ni dgn hrapan mama doakan ain sokmo n ain nk jd anak yg solehah. ckp psl solehah ni, ain tlglaa jgn tgk jee mama bgun pg2 tahajud. p laa join sekali. pemalasnyeee ain skrg.. pastu mintak mcm2. nak kawen ng laki soleh la, nk duit la, nk flawless la, nk peaceful mind laa. efforts tuu kena tunjuk. mintak saje xjadi Ain oi. rajin smyg sunat ok? so ak dh byk amik no yg tlis jtwn kosong, ingtnye nk mntk lg la keje en. tp kwn ak dh give up , n org xnak pakai part time sebulan je. n bulan ogos ni byk plan actually. so mcm xleh la nk commit keje sebulan kot. so Ain, pasrah jela xdpt keje en. ak ingt sebulan ni nk bljr menjahit. trtarik plak dgr cerita Hijrah td psl a girl jahit and baking for her boyfriend. highlight psl the girl yg ade skill baking n sewing. nak bakat sewing tuu. nk jahit skirt, blouse, jubah, dress and shawl. ! bantal pon nak gak. ingt nak berguru ng kubis, senang sikit. mudah faham sikit. tp x tny lg kubis. entah sudi entah tak.
Ok, last but not least pasal memasak. hahahahaha. ok mmg kali ni mmg rajin gilee ak blajar n menyalin n mendengar mak aku ajar psl masak. tgk mama masak tp most of the time tlg basuh and potong ayam, ikan, sayur je. pstu tlis2 mase mama masak. masak sndiri were just kari ayam , tomyan and butter chicken.. tomyam je xbrp power lg . kna berguru ng kubis. pstuu ad bljr buat puding n triffle n mcm2 puding. tp sempat buat sendiri puding caramel je. ingt nk bljr congo bars and brownies lak. doakan sy istiqamah hokey. next post, lau rajin (doakan) nak share resipi2 memasak. nnt lau aku nak masak, bleh jenguk blog sendiri. alhamdulillah, ap yg terbuku dh trluah. ad 2 lg cite. psl resipi n psl Addah pny jodoh. best cite die. nnt next post. toodles !
sincerely Miss LOL
Ok, we begin with rezeki. hurm.. sedihla nak cakap pasal rezeki ni. cuti kali ni, rezeki aku macam kurangla. bukan nak cakap pasal xbersyukur ke ape tau. tapi, contohnya la, aku cari kerja di tesco, kb mall, billion, mydin and many more places.. semua tu reject aku. omgee. so memang ak menganggur sepanjang cuti tiga bulan ni. hu hu. so nampak kan xde rezeki part cari kerja ? so im jobless and moneyless. pastu ak ceritaa laaa kat si Nazhan ni. sape Nazhan ni? ekekekeke pujaan ati kitew la. yg comel2 manja tu. hu hu. pastuuu die pon citeee laa, die pon same jobless ng akuu. tp rezeki die murah jee kt umah. pastu die soal aku, aku ni bersedekah ke tak? aku pon mcm trfkir, sedekah ni byk jnis en. lau aku ni, ak bersedekah pakaian dan kasut mcm tu laa. pastu ak trfikir, mybe rumah aku ni selalu je buang mkanan.bukan la buang, tp makanan basi la , terperap lame dalam peti la. mcm tu jee. bknla mkanan aku family and tetamu yg dtg suke tggl mkanan dlm peti. umah ak peti xelok sgt dan kecikkk gila. so xmuat la banyak2. and aku ni pulak bibik kt rumah. the one yg kemas every single thing in house include kemas peti, kosongkan sink and more. so mostly aku la yang pembuang rezeki tu. even ak pon mmg sedih and frust dgn benda2 yg terpakse dibuang. nak makan pon dah basi, berkulat hapee dah. kangg tercirit plak. so basically, moral dr cerita Nazhan tuu , kite kena bersedekah dan jangan berkira. die biase sedekah kt masjid tiap kali solat Jumaat. aku ni plak perempuan en so jrg p masjid. ok no excuses Ain Irdina. so ayuhla bersedekah kepada yang memerlukan and tanamkan niat nak tolong orang dan semoga rezeki yang Allah bagi ni halal dan berkat.
Pasal mood swinging tu, aku xtau laa kenapa aku ni emo smcm jee. mungkin aku annoyed or mybe adakah ini perangai aku yang sebenar? oh no, nauzubillah, ok senang cite la en, ak cam geram n annoyed tgk aku jeee buat keje umah.. its ok buat keje umah. tapi org mcm wat dek je, mcm worsening je. like kau kemas ,at the moment kau kena berleter lagi suruh orang kemas and jgn sepahkan. contohnye, baju kotor letak dlm bakul, tuala sangkut lepas mandi, lepas kuar tandas tutup lampu, baju yg dah dilipat simpan dalam almari.. kasut susun leklok. yer, aku emo benda remeh kan. but benda senang kan? you all can do it. pastu aku jadi annoyed jgk sbb aku rase ppl see me as someone yg tegas, suke berleter n so on. n mcm aku ni lebih plak dr mak aku. sbb mak ak tak tegas. hu hu. maybe ad tegas die but not at house chores. so mmg part tu aku handle. rase mcm dah jadi mak pon ade. ok so aku harap those yg read this paragraph n jenis sepesen mcm adik2 aku ni, tlglaa jd responsible for small things ok? kasihanilah kakak mu. even die sulung, even die hold the largest responsibilities, help her by reducing the burden. adik2 pon sume dah besau kot :") but now im a bit ok, sbb bile ak tgk mak ak byk jatuh sakit lately and mcm sgt bergantung aku tlg die bereskan hal rumah, aku rase cm mak ak hargaila aku en. ak pon patut tlg laa kurangkan beban die and lebihkan bersabar . niat ikhlas, and percaya if kau ikhlas Allah akn bg ganjaran yg lg besar and tlg aku later. in shaa allah. stick to that points la kot, and kau akan kuat and seronokk je buat keje umah. mak aku banyak kali demam baru2 ni. and Nazhan dlu salu laa pesan suh picit2 mak kite even xdisuruh ke ape. ak mmg jaranglaa urut mak ak lau die xsuruh sbb mak aku ni jarang sakit n die mmg power urut2. bleh buang angin sume. so tringtkan pesanan Nazhan tu, aku urut mak aku.smpai menguap2.. alhamdulillah, even aku xtau die rase relieve ke x, but listening ppl appreciating ur efforts was such a relief ! even lau kite buat pape, kite kena expect nothing. ade org xkan ckp tq, xkan appreciate and so on. kite kena niat ikhlas je. but yeah, kite manusia , we tend to expect a thing even only a thanks ! barula rase mcm alhamdulillah, menjadik jugak aku urut, die lega sikit ak urut or something like that .K. xD
Sori sebab panjang lagi. wtv la kan, bukannye ramai readers pon. paling sikit pon, aku sndiri gak yg bace. keh3. pastu, aku sekarang memang nekad ya Allah sies aku nekad tak nak shopping dahhhh ! tolonglaa Ain stop shopping. stop rase nk beli benda comel ke ape unless benda tu PERLU and YOU DONT HAVE IT YET. aritu tgk kasut berkenan. td tgk beg kate spade berkenan. ya ampun. ak sbnrnye kena sedar , aku xde duit and aku kena start kumpul duit dr skrg. sbb aku nak kawen awal. hahahaa so probably lau nak kawen lepas keje tuu , tipis la sbb ak ni jauh lg perjalanan nak habis belajar. mungkin 3/4 tahun lagi. 2019 baru nk kawen.. umor 24,25 baru nk kawen. huwaa. mmg jodoh tak lari. tapii tulaa. ok tu mslh aku kot sbb tringin nak kawen. best sgt ke kawen tu? kwn ak ad yg xnk kawen. akuuu entahlah. berangan je lebih. tp in shaa allah nk kawen awal.nk kumpul duit. nak kerja part time mse cuti.. tapi cuti ni kite halal2 jela eh. hahaha burn 3 bulan. xpe ain. byk lg cuti, kite kerja betul2 yer. jgn malas2. nak kawen jgn malas. nak kawen jgn spend duit tuu. BERJIMAT WOI. huhu. kau dah ad byk kasut. beg,baju , skirt n semuaaaa.. gune je yg mane ade.. biarlaa adik2 kau tu nk shoping sakan.jgn peduli ! biarla diorg xnak dgr. diorg da besar dah.. fokus on urself.. be a better u. u re what u re in future. u r the resemblance of ur kids and hubby. <3 ok moral of this paragraph, simpan duit, berjimat, jgn shopping, bykkan part time, jgn spent, berkira la skit bab shoping tu ok simpan duit. simpan simpan simpan ! yeayy n kawen dgn prince charming. huhu .
pondering about future ek? yela aku baruu je tuka course BENL english course.. ingt nk buat minor IT... n mybe mase degree still pnjg while kwn2 oversea kau dah kerja, dah bleh beli kereta, rumah n kawen. ok xpe ain. kite kuat, tabah, sabar. n yakin aturan Allah itu ade hikmahnye. so aku hrp byklaa keje ak bleh cri with sijil dgree mcm ni with benda yg aku minat sejak kecik. doakan yer. :')
treating my face and losing some weight. muke alhamdulillah, makin membaik sgtttttttttttt even still xflawless. kna rajin cucimuke, pakai skrub, pakai sunblok and pakai ubat jerawat, and also detox ! nk jogging tu xrajin lagi. bilaa la nak buang toksik thru exercises. pastuu berat badan en. mmg laa maintain kan, tp selera tu bertambah and pipi makin melebar and thigh gap dah kurang.. aiyoo mmg kna kurangkan nasi n ganti ng oat. hopefully it works la. sbb oat mmg sedap mcm nasik ! sies. cube laa mkn oat berlauk. just tuka nasik kpd oat. lauk same je. #ops
pastuu cuti berbaki sebulan lagii.. sies bosan gilee asyik repeat benda same je kt umah. paling best pon weekend, adik2 balik , kuar ng kawan, borak2 ng mak or nenek (tu pon kalau rajin tido kampung) and driving. tu jela hiburan aku. nk tgk tv malas gile, xtgk pon sgt tv. haha. mmg mama kate hobi ak ni lipat kain. LOL . ma, ain buat ni dgn hrapan mama doakan ain sokmo n ain nk jd anak yg solehah. ckp psl solehah ni, ain tlglaa jgn tgk jee mama bgun pg2 tahajud. p laa join sekali. pemalasnyeee ain skrg.. pastu mintak mcm2. nak kawen ng laki soleh la, nk duit la, nk flawless la, nk peaceful mind laa. efforts tuu kena tunjuk. mintak saje xjadi Ain oi. rajin smyg sunat ok? so ak dh byk amik no yg tlis jtwn kosong, ingtnye nk mntk lg la keje en. tp kwn ak dh give up , n org xnak pakai part time sebulan je. n bulan ogos ni byk plan actually. so mcm xleh la nk commit keje sebulan kot. so Ain, pasrah jela xdpt keje en. ak ingt sebulan ni nk bljr menjahit. trtarik plak dgr cerita Hijrah td psl a girl jahit and baking for her boyfriend. highlight psl the girl yg ade skill baking n sewing. nak bakat sewing tuu. nk jahit skirt, blouse, jubah, dress and shawl. ! bantal pon nak gak. ingt nak berguru ng kubis, senang sikit. mudah faham sikit. tp x tny lg kubis. entah sudi entah tak.
Ok, last but not least pasal memasak. hahahahaha. ok mmg kali ni mmg rajin gilee ak blajar n menyalin n mendengar mak aku ajar psl masak. tgk mama masak tp most of the time tlg basuh and potong ayam, ikan, sayur je. pstu tlis2 mase mama masak. masak sndiri were just kari ayam , tomyan and butter chicken.. tomyam je xbrp power lg . kna berguru ng kubis. pstuu ad bljr buat puding n triffle n mcm2 puding. tp sempat buat sendiri puding caramel je. ingt nk bljr congo bars and brownies lak. doakan sy istiqamah hokey. next post, lau rajin (doakan) nak share resipi2 memasak. nnt lau aku nak masak, bleh jenguk blog sendiri. alhamdulillah, ap yg terbuku dh trluah. ad 2 lg cite. psl resipi n psl Addah pny jodoh. best cite die. nnt next post. toodles !
Sunday, 22 May 2016
gaining weight .
Kalau dulu, aku boleh je terime if org kate aku ni kurus la, slim la kering la even xdela smpi mcm tu sgt. or org kte mkn byk tp berat tak naikla. tp skrg ni, xramai dh kate mcm tu. maybe obvious sgt kot aku dah naik berat badan. pipi dah terase kembang skit. paling parah bile dah takde thigh gap. dulu ak xpenah pon nak amik kesah dgn "thigh gap" "pipi chipmunk" "double chin" yg most of girls salu emphasize dlm caption diorg. malahan, ak rse diorg tu exaggerate je. walhal, xnampak tang mane chubby , chipmunk nye. skrg ni, ak dah rase takut. selera time time ni, bukan main. bkn selera mkanan mahal or hipster or yg xberkhasiat tu. im more to nasik. nasik nasik nasik. lau duk UIA, nasi due kali. kalau balik rumah, tiga kali shari. tu xinclude tambah nasik @ amaun nasik yg ak senduk . huhuhu .. sies, xrase dh slim2. dah buncit dah skrg ni. berlapis2 rase perut. xnakkkkkkkkkkk gain weight. weight dah normal dah ni.. tp knp mls jogging ek? dlu tahan la jgk. mungkin sebab cuace? kurang galakan oleh masyarakat sekeliling? *cari alasan. pdhl ade je org ajak tiap2 ptg. ak ni yg xnk matahri sgt.. ingt org nak ke lau xde sunburn?????? byk lg karakteristik lain yg org tgk utk jdi isteri pilihan.. ak suke tgk girls yg join scout, hiking, buat aktiviti mencabar gittew.. kagumm. diorg xtakut panas. hehehe. aku plak pantang ade matahari.. huhu..
so bulan ni aku rase mcm dahsyat sgt sbb makan byk sgt. pizza (banyak kali), sushi, kfc, nasi mandy, chicken rice shop,nasi lemak, nasi ng keli tu xyah citer la kan, nasi goreng pon byk jenis. huhu asyik nasik je. ad try skali mkn kuey tiaw. tp kena sambung esok nya pulak .huhu.. so mmg ain dan nasik tiada terpisah. bahayanya nasik ni is calory die tinggi. lebihnye ain ni, die xminum air manis.. tp , still rase berlemak dah diri ni...
so, my target for this ramadhan, selain dpt tingktkan amal ibadah, dihrpnyer ain manfaatkan ramadhan ni utk kurangkan pemakanan, jgn jd pelahap and pelapar n sewaktu dgnnye. jgn tamak. jgn membazir,, makan jgn smpi kenyang. kena sebelum kenyang. ok bai. MISI TURUN 3 KG ! chaiyokkk !
sincerely Miss LOL
so bulan ni aku rase mcm dahsyat sgt sbb makan byk sgt. pizza (banyak kali), sushi, kfc, nasi mandy, chicken rice shop,nasi lemak, nasi ng keli tu xyah citer la kan, nasi goreng pon byk jenis. huhu asyik nasik je. ad try skali mkn kuey tiaw. tp kena sambung esok nya pulak .huhu.. so mmg ain dan nasik tiada terpisah. bahayanya nasik ni is calory die tinggi. lebihnye ain ni, die xminum air manis.. tp , still rase berlemak dah diri ni...
so, my target for this ramadhan, selain dpt tingktkan amal ibadah, dihrpnyer ain manfaatkan ramadhan ni utk kurangkan pemakanan, jgn jd pelahap and pelapar n sewaktu dgnnye. jgn tamak. jgn membazir,, makan jgn smpi kenyang. kena sebelum kenyang. ok bai. MISI TURUN 3 KG ! chaiyokkk !
Thursday, 14 April 2016
I cant brain with these people --'
Seriously, I don't know why A has to hate B. hate? I can't find a suitable word for it. A seems to be okay with B in Instagram, but she acts differently at other social medias. She seems to hate B so much, I mean she can't accept her for being so close with me. That makes me want to be closer you know -_______________- I don't want to say this, but I want to highlight that please don't judge people based on their appearance, the way they dress up, the length@ width of their tudung.
How can she leave lots of comments at a guy's pic with such "seeking attention" contents? She wear tudung labuh, bla bla bla ..
How can she tweet with such rude words, saying bad things about others without realizing ppl will see them? She attends usrah, talks and even recite du'as every time. She got so jealous when people doing exciting activities without her and mad at them.
How can a girl be so cheap , how can she text the guy, dm the guy, ask for number, flirt with many guys................................... and the lists go down.
Have you heard such things before ?
As for me, I did say that too, but I realize we can't blame their attires or their ritual activities if they still do those things. People cant escape from making mistakes. But, they should hide it instead of expose them in public. It is such a shame you know.. I hope that you, who appear like ustazah to act the way you dress. I know, it sounds like an order. but, you're being like this for almost three years. please change before more people get annoyed with you. ( change means, stop being jealous, stop posting rude words, stop hating my friend for being clingy with me, stop stop stop !!!!!!!!!!!! in other words, just stop doing that to me and people around me. if you want to be jealous or sulk, just please not me) I'm tired. A good friend is a friend who understands you, accepts you , knows you , appreciates you. I know, I'm a kind of person who easily get attached with someone. and I know I cant please all of you. I also need time for myself and my family. What I'm telling you is, if we already went outing for that weekend, please don't say"sampai hati tak ajak" " tak tahu pun" "bile nk kuar ng aku plak" or any words that give the same meaning lah ! Judge me if you think I'm mean but you don't know what I feel at that moment. I spent my last weekend for you, and the next weekend for my other friends. Im being fair, cant you see? I'm not yours. I'm just your friend,just like others. Please be thankful , grateful as I did find time for you :) please, please understand me. If you want me to be with you for the whole weekend, please sponsor me NOT the other way round. I'm not pointing to anyone, but if you feel you're doing so. don't tell me. don't make me feel guilty. Just change for good. Its not good for me, but good for everyone. kbai
sincerely Miss LOL
How can she leave lots of comments at a guy's pic with such "seeking attention" contents? She wear tudung labuh, bla bla bla ..
How can she tweet with such rude words, saying bad things about others without realizing ppl will see them? She attends usrah, talks and even recite du'as every time. She got so jealous when people doing exciting activities without her and mad at them.
How can a girl be so cheap , how can she text the guy, dm the guy, ask for number, flirt with many guys................................... and the lists go down.
Have you heard such things before ?
As for me, I did say that too, but I realize we can't blame their attires or their ritual activities if they still do those things. People cant escape from making mistakes. But, they should hide it instead of expose them in public. It is such a shame you know.. I hope that you, who appear like ustazah to act the way you dress. I know, it sounds like an order. but, you're being like this for almost three years. please change before more people get annoyed with you. ( change means, stop being jealous, stop posting rude words, stop hating my friend for being clingy with me, stop stop stop !!!!!!!!!!!! in other words, just stop doing that to me and people around me. if you want to be jealous or sulk, just please not me) I'm tired. A good friend is a friend who understands you, accepts you , knows you , appreciates you. I know, I'm a kind of person who easily get attached with someone. and I know I cant please all of you. I also need time for myself and my family. What I'm telling you is, if we already went outing for that weekend, please don't say"sampai hati tak ajak" " tak tahu pun" "bile nk kuar ng aku plak" or any words that give the same meaning lah ! Judge me if you think I'm mean but you don't know what I feel at that moment. I spent my last weekend for you, and the next weekend for my other friends. Im being fair, cant you see? I'm not yours. I'm just your friend,just like others. Please be thankful , grateful as I did find time for you :) please, please understand me. If you want me to be with you for the whole weekend, please sponsor me NOT the other way round. I'm not pointing to anyone, but if you feel you're doing so. don't tell me. don't make me feel guilty. Just change for good. Its not good for me, but good for everyone. kbai
Tuesday, 29 March 2016
Dah lama dah tak update blog since baru baru ni busy nak midterm kot or nothing to be shared. and busy sangat sambut birthday baby March. seriously, tak penah expect pon ramai kawan yang lahir bulan March. maka penuhla ig ku dengan gambar diorang. Antaranya termasuklah Sumayyah, Shyahirah, Pia, Ili, Epul, Wani, Dolly, Kak Dena, Tiyah, pastu budak2 kelas 5 Ammar ; Mas, Ijek, Timoh, Ica dan budak2 course IT ; Meyna and sape lagi tah xingat. ramai sangat.
sincerely Miss LOL
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Sumayyah's |
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Shyahirah's |
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Pia's |
Despite all of this happiness, ingatkan penat lelah March ni just for birthday celebration. hehe. rupenya ade lagi kebahagiaan Allah nak bagi. Tapi serious , seriously rase nak nangis sebab terharu dan happy sgtla. cant describe and i cant even express it with action and words. just hrap sgt this thing might end in proper way :")
MY CRUSH LIKES ME TOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ye, I thought he wasnt serious towards me. So, act mcm biase la kan. ignore je, sebab serious bab2 perasaan ni lau deal ng someone yg kite mmg serious kt dia, lau die nk main2 i wont layan. sbb sakit tu perit. Tak nak dah layan layan perasaan main2 ni. I like him a lot, not just for temporary but permanent of course . dah 21 kot , takkan nak cari yang x elok kan. So, mcm ni la alkisahnya. .
Satu malam tu, agk midnight la , we use to chat at midnight sbb aku mmg xkcau dia siang hari or awal mlm coz dis guy is kaki studi and agk pandai la actually. so xnak la heret die membazir mase ng aku.lgpon aku bukanla ade topik sgt nk berbual lame2. then, mlm tu die ws, asking opinion mcm mne nk tau org benci kite ke x. pastu ak potpet2 n die habaq yg die ad mntk tlg smone tu, tp org tu mcm kasar2 kt dia but still tlg die. so he assumed that the guy msti xsuke die. alolo cian my crush -_-
and and and duk hurai psl "how to know whther ppl hate u or not" die suddenly kuar dr topik. and said that magic words to me. yer tiga perkataan tu. 143 . and I ignored it at first and continued babbled about the matter. pastu die ckp he doesnt know what he felt at the moment, he likes me but at the same time, he rejects me. pastu die pon ckp sorry sorry sorry lalalalalala ~~~~~~~~ pastu, die pon ckp gak dont expect sweet2 things from him as he keeps it for marriage. tak tahula maksud kahwin tu kahwin ng aku ke general kan. so please dont go over the moon ain hiks ! tapi at least, crush suke balik tu kira syokla kan. korang hado? hahah ! then hari yg berbunga2 xberlalu smpai la skrg. :") Thanks ! I got nothing special but Ill try to do my best to be by your side, listening to ur sadness and happiness. baru baru ni kan cuti mid sem, and mase nak balik ke kampung masing2 tu, kebetulan kitorang contact. mase tu die xconfess lagi la. just bercia cia je tp tu pon improvement dh la. die dulu cold kot. ws pon kkdg je balas , ignore n sepatah2 je jawab. sabar kan aku suke org mcm ni? coz I am sure he has somthing spcial that he hides. ye ye je kan. dah suke tu mstila cakap benda baik je kan. xnampak dah buruknya. huhu. . Okayy continue,, we went to the same place, Kl sentral. die smpi lewat skit, so ak dh mkn time tu. n die terlepas train yg pukul 12.30. train strusnya kul 5. hehe. then aku teman die mkn. ohh ada akma sekali time tu. so bertiga okayyyy. teman die makan kt kfc je. eventhough krik2, mmg aku jmp die tu teman die makan semata2. xcakap pon, die sibuk dk scroll 9gags n gelak sorang2. ak tny2 baru die jwb. tp die comel je hihihi. walau xckp byk pon, ak da ckup happy sbb dpt la face to face ng dia. mase nk jmp tu, bkn main lame lg ak mundar mandir dk fikir nk pegi ke x nak pegi ke x. peluang xdtg salu kot. kt uia, nk trsmpak pon susah, apetah lg nk betegur sapa. xtaula knp ng die ni, i was a bit nervous. a bit la sgt. rase mcm byk. lau dlu ,die tgur pon ak da xtau nk ckp ape. -_- padahal tgur tny bnda bkait ng kelas je. lau trsmpak pon aku lari. Auww pemalunya Ain . so not me right? okay , lps teman mkn kt kfc, pegi surau solat2 n xjmp dah pastu. waktu cuti midterm xws sgt pon sbb duk rumah kan. hari ketige kt rumah ak ws, tu pon sptah je ws n spth je die jwb. pastu mase die balik uia, baru kitorg ws lame sikit.LOL. okay, xtahula korang rase benda ni happy ke tak but I to me, aku happy la jgk, sbb slame ni org yg nak kt aku, aku xnak. this time, ak nak, org nak jgk. so happy a bit. but kitorg kawan je ni even hopefully, perasaan tu ade la. maintain aku kau je hokayyyyyy.. still msg malam je. xmsg lame2 mcm org len pon n xbergayut pon. Im fine with this better. lgpon memasing ade life kan :) Pray for us hikhik <3
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Muke happy hihi :P |
Sunday, 21 February 2016
I have to admit that my bad habit is getting nauseating lately. What is it? The bad habit of "can't see cheap things are sold" . When I see them and I think I afford to own it, I will buy it undoubtedly. I tried to prevent myself from buying them, some stuffs were saved from becoming my victims. But some were not. Luckily, I'm not that fan of shoes. So, I managed to control myself from buying more shoes. haa, and the skirts too !No longer buy them because I realize that I'm too lazy to iron them and end up wearing the only jeans that I'm comfortable in it. Hiks. For the bag, I failed. I bought cath kidston sling bag last week. It was the most expensive bag that I ever bought for myself. below rm50 okayy, at least.. But, I accidentally bought baymax sling bag (sling bag again) though the colour is maroon, not pink or white. but it is baymax. So I bought it -_- . n still, I can't forget the dirt cheap items that I didn't purchase from that garage sale. Where is the old me???????? who is very stingy to buy lots of stuffs, I used to use one item until it rots itself. but now, I tend to buy and keep them for future use . Hahahaha ! I asked my friend "how to prevent myself from reminsicing the items that I didn't buy?" She said, buy them sooner -________- Okayyy, there's no solution. I knew the solution is "don't step to such places , where the sales are happening . But still, I got the feeling that it would be awful to not buy items with low price. Grab the chances !!! said the heart.. hurmmmmmmmmmm... And for now, I am very sure that I'm gonna stop shopping for awhile as I know my savings is getting lower days by days. So, let's put a halt. But, I have to go out for other weekend to celebrate jiji's birthday and also meet Supi for the last time before he return to Queesland. and also sending off Jiji to Japan on 19th March . So everythin requires money, for the fare and food. Emm, it's okay for those stuffs, just cut off the shopping budget. No more shopping for clothes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no more new bags. new shoes, new accessories except fare and food. and last but not least, try to avoid people who ask you to eat at expensive places or go to expensive places just for the views and galoks. No watching movies at cinemas (still succeeded to avoid this place on previous sem) No no for that. Prioritize the highlighted one ! Okayy. May this target come true <3
sincerely Miss LOL
Friday, 12 February 2016
jangan kecam saya
I personally think that I deserve to feel this way as I did to certain people previously. But, the feeling is unbearable.Though I didn't say any words or act like I like him a lot or etc but he is so introvert. Why isn't he interested to befriend with me? So as usual, I guess I don't deserve him. seriously. despite of his good looking AUMM , he is such a good son , comes to UIA just for the sake of finishing his degree and getting job. And me ? I cant deny that I'm totally different with him. I always go outing, accompanying my friends to anywhere -____________- why am I being like this? ok don't bother about that.
So, I'm writing this to calm myself, to coax myself for grieving about the guy that is so heartless to me. Maybe, it is still not the right time to think about loving a guy coz all you need to focus is about repaying your parents' deeds all this while and be a good example for the others especially your siblings. and, you don't deserve that good guy until you change yourself first towards a better person. not only treating you appearance, but also your skills in cooking and etc. Then, people will come after you huhhuhu.
Dear self, don't torture yourself liking someone who doesn't even want to know you at first. Nobody is wrong , it just the time is not right. and don't simply downgrade yourself by sighing about your flaws that makes you unwanted. It isn't like that. The world is not that cruel. You just deserve someone else that remains unknown. Just be patient and be sure with Allah's plan and make du'a incessantly for a good partner for you. Allah is always with those who are patient. After all, you lose nothing for not being loved by a guy. you have your family and friends who are sooooooooooooooooo grateful to have you around. hopefully :')
And yeah, expressing love is not just by confessing with words, enough with your efforts and action.
sincerely Miss LOL
So, I'm writing this to calm myself, to coax myself for grieving about the guy that is so heartless to me. Maybe, it is still not the right time to think about loving a guy coz all you need to focus is about repaying your parents' deeds all this while and be a good example for the others especially your siblings. and, you don't deserve that good guy until you change yourself first towards a better person. not only treating you appearance, but also your skills in cooking and etc. Then, people will come after you huhhuhu.
Dear self, don't torture yourself liking someone who doesn't even want to know you at first. Nobody is wrong , it just the time is not right. and don't simply downgrade yourself by sighing about your flaws that makes you unwanted. It isn't like that. The world is not that cruel. You just deserve someone else that remains unknown. Just be patient and be sure with Allah's plan and make du'a incessantly for a good partner for you. Allah is always with those who are patient. After all, you lose nothing for not being loved by a guy. you have your family and friends who are sooooooooooooooooo grateful to have you around. hopefully :')
And yeah, expressing love is not just by confessing with words, enough with your efforts and action.
Thursday, 4 February 2016
I dont know what youre up to :(
Last two night, it was stilll early around 11 pm, ur text saying hi was quite a surprise to me. Coz u seldom text me first. Maybe three or four times. Then ,i replied bai .however, you were so interesting that night that you managed to hold the conversation until midnight. But,u acted weirdly, using those sweet words and said things that might want me to say i want you. Luckily, i managed to hold my feeling from confessing to you that i had held this feeling for a sem . Hahaha. But it was unforgettable night. At the midst of conversation,u told me that u have been comfortable with me. But you opened the topic about ur ex girlfriend that u still cant move on. That frustrating part was "she was my first and last". I guess you are just same with the other guys, uttering those sweet words toing toing toing with a warning "dont fall in love with me , im just kidding, i just dont know where to spit it off ". Okayyy, i know this type. *daydreaming . I cant get this guy.he wouldnt be mine. How i wish he would open his heart for me coz i wont be like her girlfriend, leaving you and said "what we had wasnt real" . poor you , you dont deserve her. I deserve you hakhakhak. I dont know why u still cant move on to such girl. I guess she i really something and special enough whilst i got nothing for you unless being loyal.but yesterday, we didnt havr the same conversation anymore. You became the same person that i knew before. A cold guy that caught my eyes. I dont know what youre up to. Friendzoning me or vice versa. Uhuks. Please say something clear
sincerely Miss LOL
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