Tuesday 2 September 2014

tiade yang sebaik payeh :')

recent post, ad ckp psl boyfriends kat uia kan. akhir2 nie, ade due org kawan laki ak ni, senyap jeeeee.. org wassap pon balas jarang je. lau dlu, menganggu jee keje. and i guess tgh dilamun cinta la tu kott smpi xnk bls msg kwn kan? yelaa , tgk sttus wasap pon bukan main berbunga lagi. dp wasap pon gmbr love2 je,,  ok ,  one of reasons why i dislike my friend who involve in love matter is, they prefer relationship rather than friendship. ade awek , trus lupe kwn kau yg byk menolong nih hah ? okay.. and now, ak pon senyapkan diri jgk. xwassap tny kbr dah. let see ... yes, ad sorang ni wassap. pastu,ak xreply die tny knape? pastu ckp sori lame xwassap .hmm , sori but seriouslym im upset . coz, in friendship i really give my full commitment to u guys, but why did i get in return ?  sorry, u guys cant compete with my only best friend since mrsm pc .. payeh, name yg mmg sinonim dh dlm hidup ku. sume org tau, he's my best buddy. mase bulan ogos baru ni, almost setiap minggu dtg uia. ye, mmg la bkn melawat ak saje, die lawat jeme jgk. tp stiap kali die dtg uia, kitorg jumpe.. dgr die cite mslh die.. yes, he needs a listener and he came to the right place :) and skrg, die dah start degree and xleh kuar kerap mcm seblum ni dah.. yes,living in upnm .. mmg fizikal n mental di dera. tabahlah sahabatku . u re always in my du'a .. a never ever replaced best boy-friend, Muhamad Norfaris b Che Noh . 

if someone really appreciates your presence, they will make time for u, not excuses. that what i learn in friendship . im facing lots of excuses here, but then i learn to differentiate between true friend and friend for reasons . which one is yours? the one that make ways or the one that make excuses ? :')
sincerely Miss LOL

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