Monday, 3 November 2014

im so glad to have you

Im so glad to have you.
Im so glad to be your daughter.
Im so glad that you are my father.

Everyone has their own dad right? No matter how you address him, he is the first guy that you met when you open your eyes .

xkuat sbnrnye nak tlis psl papa, sbb tu xde lg entri psl die sbb sy xkuat. yer sy akn brenti utk lap hingus, genyeh mate. bkn ayt hiperbola ke ape. you will face it when u re in my situation  :)

Sume org ade ayah. tp stiap org ad ayah lain2.. ade tuu, yg contact ayh die just utk mintak duit je. ade tuu contact ayh sbb nk suh ambik kt skolah or whateva. ade jgk yg xcare pon psl die coz they love their mum much better. selalu kite prhati org mention syg ibuu je.. sbbnyer, diorg kate ayh diorg keje je, n jnis yg xtny kbr cmtu. well u know that kind of father.. anak2 biasenye akn kol their mother, telling everything and most of the things in their life are shared to their mum . sehingga die terlupe die sbnrnye ade ayah. bkn ibu je.. hargailah ayahmu. xrugi pom suwit suwit dgn ayah sndiri :D

alhamdulillah, sy dikurniakan parents yg due2 care psl sy. yg sgttttttttttt penyayang. and to be honest is, my father is my mother too. they are just the same. due2 caring, due2 funny. and i know and i can feel that my father love mee soo much.. tp cara diorg tnjukkan kasih syg lain. so i wanna share my happiness of having my dad coz he is such the sweetest guy ever to me..

dari sy duduk asrama sejak form1 lg, he's the one who calls me everyday tak kire siang malam. dgn die la sy bgyut tiap hari kt tangga. sape yg jd rumet sy, will know dgn sape sy otp slalu. mama jarang kol.msg pon jarang. tp lau papa kol mase kt rumah, ade la mama selit2 ckp ng sy. tp most of the time, i talk with papa. ya allah sedihnye hny allah yg tau sbb my phone is no longer functioning for getting call sbb sokmonye papa je yg kol.. bkn sy nk mama kol pon haha tp papa lg byk topik lau nk otp. mama ni die more pnyayang kt rumah. lau mase bjauhan, papa won . lau xkol pon, mmg papa sntiase wassap.antr gmbr die selfi mase dialisis, antr gmbr mknan die. or antr gmbr mama if time tu diorg lunch together.lau papa xkol haritu or xwassap, yes there must be something wrong with him.ade skali tu die xkol, and i wassaped him , called him. and he told me dia demam. sian papa.. yer, mase papa kt kemboja pon papa wassap lg sy on his first day there.antr gmbr kt lobi hotel. n die kate die rase xsehat sbb temperature tinggi. hari2 lps tu, sy wassap lg tp xberbls. and i remembered i wassaped him " pa bkpo xbls?kuat shopping teh" something like that la sbb papa xbls. tu pelik tu. sbb papa ni waktu keje ke, outstation ke, pegi vietnam ke, hat nyai ke. he's always keep in touch with me.. rindunye !!!!!!!!!!! n tu la moment pling sedih sbb die demam teruk rupenye mase tu :(

sejak duk uia , so dikira berjauhan la kan dr family sbb umah kt kelantan. papa selaluuu je tny bile cuti bile cuti bile cuti. sibukk die nk belikan tiket flight. bknnye tiket bas . tiket flight. ade tu pernah tiket flight rm89, die kate murah. sy ni mmg jenis yg berkire skit. sbb tiket flight pernah ade rm49 lau nk blik kb sy prefer naik bas lg la if flight rm89 die tetap nk suh naik flight. sbb katenye jimat mase, bleh jumpe cepat. sape tak terharu kan. haih.. yer, sy slalu terharu dgn his actionsss..biler hbis cuti jer,, keesokannye msti tny cuti bilo pulok... n lau die dtg kl pon, msti die suh dtg tmpt die ad keje tu sbb nk jmp. die xreti dtg uia n xsempat pon nk tgk uia :'(. sy xkan lupe saat ini biler mlm tu sy naik bas n mase almost nk smpai tu fon mati sbb xde bateri.. smpi je kt stesen tuuu, sy pon kol mama gune public. mama pon ckp " papa xdok ko tu?adik dk stesen mano? papa g duo2 stesen doh siap trtido lg" kt kb ade due stesen. satu kt kota bharu and satu lg kt tesco. due2 nye jauh. bknnye lps sy kol papa, papa pon amik sy dr bandar ke area tesco tu.. papa xde kate pape pon. siap ajak nk breakfast lg. as usual, syla peneman die mkn. tu pon naseb baik awake. lau hari2 biase, kdg2 xnyempat nk teman sbb xbgun lg. sorry pa.and dluuu sy xpenah sempat pon nk berlame2 kt stesen bas or airport sbb he will be there before i arrive at k.b.. sukenyer ya allah, rindu saat tu..and lps papa xde tu, mama amik kt stsen bas. mase duk tunggu mama tu, sy nanges je sbb tringt kt papa. and lps masuk kete, bgtau mama yg sy rinduu. mama pon tenangkan sy n ckp sorry takdi jammed. mmg mase tu jammed la.. and last cuti yg sy jumpe papa kt kb tu,sy ingt lg.. hari tu hari ahad.. flight sy kul 3 or 4 something la.. so sy pon tny la "pa, sapo yg antr ain arini? . papa pon jwb "papa lah" . "papa xkijo ko? " "papa amik cuti sbb nk duduk ng ain la. nnt ain nk g doh arini" . hahaha aku senyum jee. happy sgt. tp malang sgt sbb even die cuti ahad tu, die ade hal plak. kena pgi mne plak. so mase nk antr sy tu, die xlarat. die trtido. so mama antr. sempat salam n cium je kt bilik die. pa, ain rindu sgt papa... tlg rindu ain jugok pa.. ain sedih sgt papa xdok :'(

To be continued with more entries about my dad. dah basah sgt ni.takot mama perasan plak anak die nangis. ain kuat ain kuat.

sincerely Miss LOL

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

tiade yang sebaik payeh :')

recent post, ad ckp psl boyfriends kat uia kan. akhir2 nie, ade due org kawan laki ak ni, senyap jeeeee.. org wassap pon balas jarang je. lau dlu, menganggu jee keje. and i guess tgh dilamun cinta la tu kott smpi xnk bls msg kwn kan? yelaa , tgk sttus wasap pon bukan main berbunga lagi. dp wasap pon gmbr love2 je,,  ok ,  one of reasons why i dislike my friend who involve in love matter is, they prefer relationship rather than friendship. ade awek , trus lupe kwn kau yg byk menolong nih hah ? okay.. and now, ak pon senyapkan diri jgk. xwassap tny kbr dah. let see ... yes, ad sorang ni wassap. pastu,ak xreply die tny knape? pastu ckp sori lame xwassap .hmm , sori but seriouslym im upset . coz, in friendship i really give my full commitment to u guys, but why did i get in return ?  sorry, u guys cant compete with my only best friend since mrsm pc .. payeh, name yg mmg sinonim dh dlm hidup ku. sume org tau, he's my best buddy. mase bulan ogos baru ni, almost setiap minggu dtg uia. ye, mmg la bkn melawat ak saje, die lawat jeme jgk. tp stiap kali die dtg uia, kitorg jumpe.. dgr die cite mslh die.. yes, he needs a listener and he came to the right place :) and skrg, die dah start degree and xleh kuar kerap mcm seblum ni dah.. yes,living in upnm .. mmg fizikal n mental di dera. tabahlah sahabatku . u re always in my du'a .. a never ever replaced best boy-friend, Muhamad Norfaris b Che Noh . 

if someone really appreciates your presence, they will make time for u, not excuses. that what i learn in friendship . im facing lots of excuses here, but then i learn to differentiate between true friend and friend for reasons . which one is yours? the one that make ways or the one that make excuses ? :')
sincerely Miss LOL

Monday, 1 September 2014

this things also affect my mood

ACNE,PIMPLES,SCARS. huhhh disgusting things that keep appearing on my face.ok mls nk mbbebel dlm bahase inggeris.. sekarang ni, im using nour ain skincare again . ok please dont complain why im using this one back . im just trying to be loyal and stick to one... and mmg muke skrg ni, lg teruk drp mase form 5 and lagi teruk drp tahun lepas. teruk tu bkn la smpi xnampak muke sebenar, tp teruk tu sbb sbelum ni pernah memliki kulit yg flawless -__- and skrg ni. jrwt batu sukee naik kt area misai tu . hahaha. and me will picit laa sbb lau x, nampak mcm ade taik lalat kt situ. ceh. mcmla lau xpicit, xnampak kan. so mmg nampak n tggl parut kt situ. ya rabbi, berikan aku kesabaran utk tnggu muke ni kembali licin. possible kah ? satu hari ni, aku down giler. ya allah, rase bulan ogos tu byk sgt ke down nan nyerr.. i stalk someone's instagram. i did adore him. did. coz now im not into him anymore. he was flirting with other girl, yet she's kelantanese too. and he addressed the girl 'barbie', while the barbie adressed him prince charming. and my heart was ... okay, tlg fefeeling sendiri my feeling on that time.mmg girl tu mcm barbie pon, and tudung labuh. hahaha nak nangis ase. she is quite perfect from my view. and me? i was not perfect at all.. and that time, my self esteem is zero. and i told my roomate, im ugly, thats why nobody wants me. i will be forever single coz im ugly. mmg mase tu, down tahap ap.ase nk delete sgala benda yg boleh interact ng manusia, ase nk masuk dlm tanah je. teruk kan? astaghfirullah al azim. i was wrong to feel that way. i have Allah, and my life is not to be looked by ppl .its between me and Allah. please take lesson from my story and dont be like me.this is a 'sometime feelin' that i actually can control. its just , sometimes .. i cant .. sorry Allah for dustakan nikmatMu.. okay sambung balik. lepas tu, my roomate pon ckp.. <<ni ckp dlm wasap ni>> "awk nak ke kawen ng org yg suke sbb rupe?awk nk ke rse syg die tu sbb rupe je?rupe xkekal pon,nnt lmbt laun pudar jgk. ikut awkla if awk nk gitu.. ikut awkla.. .....". lameeeeeee fikir, ya Allah btul jgk rumet ak ckp. tp ade ke org xpndang rupe lgsung? ye lettuw. and i think that im gelojoh. yela, kite nmpk sume org dh jmp kekasih ati msing2, dh jumpe parents segala. yg ak ni plak calon pon xde, bapak mertua lg laa xde.. pdhl ak xperlu gelojoh.umur bru 19 thun. asasi pon xlepas lg.ingt ade nak ko? bljr dlu,kumpul kelebihan diri. nnt mak mertua tny, ap ko ade, nk jwb ap? huhuhu.. ye, aku ni gelojoh. pdhl ad bnda lain lg yg ak perlu utamakan. yes, my studies, my families. yes, all this things will wash away that feeling to love someone. ye, mmg ak dah tak suke sape2 pon skrg ni sbb ak bukannye bersedia utk sume tu. now, ak hny mmpu mndgr cerita org. ad cite hepy, n ad jgk kisah sedihnye. yg bepisah pon ade. lame dh xade prasaan cmtu.Alhamdulillah,xlarat den nk tanggung sume tu balik. terkongkong. and im happy with my life, dikelilingi kawan yg annoying n yg xannoying.they all colour my, lantak kaula jerawat nak naik nyer, i just hope that my jodoh xnampak jrwt tu, or accept my flaws coz i really got plenty flaws. :'( dh brusaha, n hny berserah pdMu Allah .

Sabarlah wahai hati . yes, ain sabar orangnye and thats why Allah puts me into this tests. In shaa allah :')
sincerely Miss LOL

Aku memang confirm xamik engineering .

Biasenye lau nak cakap pasal pelajaran,pointer,masalah belajar and all those things that related myself as a student,i would share it with my Papa and he will always be the one who listenED to my sadness and my stupidity .and aftr that, he would try to help me by giving spirits and a lot of ideas either to pursue study at somewhere else or etc. but now, seriously im blanked. coz i rarely tell my mum about my study's problems coz i am more to my dad if about study matter coz i guess my dad could help me solving it. hehehe. so, now there is new problem that i got when studying in this UIA. yes, i will never ask Mia to study here. let me be the only one who suffer here. seriously, im suffering here. i know.. Allah puts me here for some reasons. yes, somehow there are pros and cons . and the con here is, the foundation here is so long long long and yes its getting longer. -_____- today, me and my buddy, Hanis met academic advisor to get some advices regarding our physics marks that didnt fulfil the requirement for engineering's degree. and you know what, to repeat that subject, i have to extend this foundation till the end of next year.this means , my foundation is not 2 years. but 2 years and a half. dont ask why and how if youre not UIAN's coz you will be bored and never understand their system . well said, im not going to have engineering as my degree coz i wont extend my foundation which everyone who are in same age with me, already pursue their degree.. i feel so ashamed with myself. Hanis coaxed my very hard. she asks me to perform Istikarah if im really confused. yes, may Allah gives me hint coz i really need that right now. I dont know what to choose for my degree. plus, im not that intelligent to try and error other courses. i have to choose correctly coz degree is a big matter .hmmmmmmmm, sad isnt? Kubih and Ss are officialy degreeans. while me?still foundationian. ya Allah, if only they know how i feel right now. seriously upset and im more to just keep silent coz i dont want this problem to drag all my happy mood. guys, please pray for me. and accept me the way i am though im not as clever as you guys. from sad girl with a sad life XD
sincerely Miss LOL

Monday, 18 August 2014


Alhamdulillah sebab dpt post byk entri malam or pagi ni . rase lega dpt luah, yeay ! coz if luah kt sini, i hope that my friends out there especially kawan2 kat mrsm pc khususnyee Ety, Ss, Kubih , Jiji, Rina n warge blogger lain dpt up to date with my life. pfffffttt. mcm la ade org nk tau sgt kan my recent stories. but dats enough for today. Thanks kubisan atas desakan utk berblogging. sies rase lega dpt blogging. i miss blogging ! :* ok nak tido ke tak ni  -___- #LAcoffee
sincerely Miss LOL

bukan aku sorang je diuji .

Biasenyee lau kite ade masalah, mesti kite akan sedihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gilerrrrrr22222 smpai rase mcm Allah uji aku je. org lain senang lenang je.. and macam2 la perasaan sampai kite rase nak give up hidup jee.. tp kite lupe bhwasanye Allah menguji seseorg bukan diluar kemampuan umatnye. and org yg diuji tu sbb Allah nk upgradekan iman kite. depends on how we deal with the Test.dgn redha n hadapi dgn tabah or sumpah seranah , hentak2 kaki n so on . huhu.. yer, sy penah rase sedih sbb byk sgt ujian menimpa... sampai laaaa satu mlm ni, my roomate yg slame ni mmg muke cam xde mslh lgsung mengadu mslh. selame ni sy tgk die hepy jee. salu citer psl die ng ayah die. bestnyee ade ayah. nak nangis pon ade lau die citer psl die buat ap ng ayah die.. hmm pastu die pandai lam pelajaran even jrg stay up mcm sy ni -__- byk laaa jugak bnda menarik dlm hidup die. hidup sy pon menarik jugak hehe tp thats not the crux of the matter right now. tp nak emphasize kan kt sni, kite jgn assume org yg luarannye hepy,die tak diuji. contohnye my roomate ni.. mlm tu die bukak mslh die kt sy.. well , i love to listen esp problems :) ok sambung2.. die citer satu mslh ni smpai kite rase ya allah tergamaknyeee org tu buat mcm tu.. xtkot dosa ke. xtkot nerake ke. mase rumet duk citer ni, mate die smpai berair.. die kate xtau da nk uat cane.. die dh berdoa dh, dh gitau org tu org ni tp no one can solve it. mmg pon. citer die tu xde org pon bleh solve mlainkan Allah bg hidayah kt org tu. hidayah milik Allah, kite xleh bg.. mcm citer nabi Muhammad ng abdul talib.. walau nabi dh pujuk shabis mungkin utk pak sdare die mengucap mse nk hmbuskan nafas trakhir but still he refuses to do so .. :') pastuu , mmg xtaula nk pujuk cane my roomate ni. so i told her "satu sbb aku suke dgr mslh org is ak akn kurang sedih n dpt pjuk hati ak sndiri yg sesedih mane pon aku, ade lagi org lain yg ujiannye lagi dasyat n still dpt survive. so ak hrp kau kuatlaa..doa biar die dpt hidayah .'' huhuhu sedih sgt tp roomate sy ni pon ckp btul tuu n mmg ad org lg dsyt ujian lau nk bbnding ng die.. tp to me, she is soo strongg sbb bleh idup lg. yes, ade kebenaran disebalik ayt al quran yg gitau, Allah xakan uji seseorg diluar kemampuan tu.. sesetgh org, die hny tau je quotes2 or meaning of al ayat al quran.. tp diorg tak cube mengesahkan kebenaran ayat2 tu dgn their real life.. hoho. ayat tunggang terbalik. taktaula smpi ke tak maksud, tp pokoknyeeee awak2 sekalian jgn beburuk sngke dgn Allah.jgn pernah sesekali kite rase Allah xsyg kite dgn bg ujian berat2.. there's always a little rain to get a rainbow ..n Allah uji tu sbb nk kite salu ingt kt die n bergantung kpdNya,, and yes, He wants us to muhasabah diri .. cari kslhn dirii sendiri instead of critisizing need to burden yourself to overcare about ppl mistake. ye, nk care tu bleh tp jgn over smpi org rimas . zzzzz
sincerely Miss LOL

cari mood tapi tak jumpa :I

Bosannyeee malam ni.. xtau kenape. pdhl siang tadi, dah listkan nak buat ape malam ni.. i procrastinated a lot of assignments during exam week lps. sbb kelas tetap ade even exam. so sy lbih utamakan study for exam rather than finishing up my homework. so this week suppose to be the most hectic week coz i need to be prepared for lots of quizzes and submitting tutorials. but, everything was undone sbb mood study takde. tak taula puncenye kt mane, tp lepas balik satu talk kt dewan tu, rase sedih sgtt.. Talk psl ape ? talk ni psl requirement budak2 asasi khusus utk engineering saje. die bagitau requirement utk amik degree engine kene minimum B.B tu bkn B- tp B. gred B kt uia ni is 65.. so takdi academic advisor ni ajarlaa cane nak kire average B utk stiap core subject ; kimia,math and fizik .. kimia and math alhamdulillah ade can lg nak selamatkan.. tp fizik xlepas. mmg sedih laa.. sedihlaa sbb xpandai. nampak cam senang je kan requirement die, B je. tp tula sesal dahulu pndptan, sesal kmudian xbgune lg. So , hny ade due solution utk slesaikan.. satu, amik dgree selain drp enginnering.. Hummmm.. second one is, repeat subjek fizik utk baiki average tu.. lau repeat means, kena dtg bljr time short sem or tmbah subjek utk long sem. ya rabbi, sgt membebankan. So mase balik bilik tu, citerlaa kt rumet tercinte psl mslh ni .. mmg sedihla sbb ni psl mase depan. tgh fikir samade nk go on ng engineering or follow je what will happen soon .ade sorang kwn ni,die kate die redha je kene campak kt mane2 degree.. sorang lg ajak repeat . T.T actually xkesah pon mane2, tp takot silap uat kptutusan.. How i wish that i know what is Allah's plan bout my future so dat i wont be so worried . sampai tergendala nk buat math.. td mmg termenung jee. ckp kt rumet, nak nangis tp tkot rugi mase. hehehe. pastu rumet suh g turun minum air sejuk T.T sbb mmg lau xde mood bljr,sy pegi turun minum air gedegang.. dh ngaji quran dh sblum tu sbb mama salu pesan suh mngaji dlu bfore bljr. tp tadi mmg xde kesan langsung. blurr tahap ap dh.. mmg time tu fkir nak cakap kt kubis or ss ttg mslh ni.  tp ase this blog will help. mmg stiap kli ade mslh, ase nk tulis kt blog tp salu tertangguh2 smpi xingt nk tulis. okey, tu je mlsh mlm ni sebenarnye.. Ss pesan, "bljr molek ,leave the rest to Allah.Allah xkn bagi yg xmolek utk kite".. thanks Ss. 
sincerely Miss LOL

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Dear Hawaian????????????

Hawaian? Sape tu? hehe that means golongan Hawa.. xde dlm dictionary pon. saje gedik nak letak imbuhan.
Okay.. actually, xtau nak letak tajuk ape but I just wanna share my last conversation with my new friend ..
She's a girl, named Nad (bukan name sebenar) .. Kitorang kenal mase 2 Januari 2014.. chatting dlm fb gitu..
Not long after that, we become close.. and she asked few things to me..Mase duk chatting2 tu , die byklaa antar gambar die and so on. and she asked me to do the same. So, I sent a pic of me and Belong. gambar tu, i wore shawl, blous and long pants.. 

But then, she asked a few questions to me..

Ain xpanas ke pakai tudung labuh?
~ and then , I was wondering labuh sgt ke tudung aku ???????? To me, its not *labuh* yet. but at least, dah cukup syarat laa. xjarang, n tutup paras dada. Alhamdulillah if certain people can see it like that. sbb kt uia raaaamaii lg yg tdung labuh giler2.. My answer was, xpanas langsung ler.. panas amende nye. its comfortable la. Xdelaa susah nak gerak coz xperlu nak betulkan if pusing kiri kanan, sbb memang bentuk badan dah terlindung. if you get what i mean. kan ad certain people , sekjap tarik yg depan , skejap tarik yg blkg.  :)

Ain mmg pki sejak dlu lg ke tudung labuh and etc ?
Erm. if she assume my style is labuh, so my answer was yes :)

Tak tringin ke pki jeans , tight pants?
=..= soalan die kelakar sbb die tny *xteringin ker*. alhamdulillah sbb xpernah terdetik nak pki tight pants lagi stkt ni.. jeans tu, pakai la ! bukannye salah pon pakai jeans kan? yg straight cut punyer hewhew.. Islam ni tak membebankan la.. Don't make it hard to implement.. *krik2

yela zaman skrg ni, sume org pki tight pants, die xleh tggl tight pant, nnt confidence level kurang..
Hurmm, xpki tight pants confidence level akn jd kurang?  Well, i dont really know about that. Maybe depend on yourself kot.. confidence level xtrletak pd sluar yg kite pki -__- papela. i dont blame u :)

Nad mmg ad niat nak tutup aurat in right way but I found its hard to leave tight pants and pakaian *duniawi*
Emm, I asked her back . how did she found its hard? belum cuba belum tahu.. die pon kate okok.. To me, theres nothing that impossible if we dont try it first.. Contohnye, nak lupakan someone.. Memang susah pon, tp if we try and take time for that.. Its not that possible. cume makan mase jerh.. If niat kite mmg ikhlas nak berubah, In shaa Allah , Allah akn permudahkan :)

Conclusionnyer, carilah kawan yang baik. yang bagi pengaruh positif. coz i see that her friends before this pon outfits mcm die.. and alhamdulillah sgt, kwn2 sy sumeeeeee menutup aurat :') thanks for giving good influence to me. and to my new friend, its never late to change. Im here to support u. bukan support beli tudung labuh -_- tp support if people avoid u when u suddenly change :) adioz
sincerely Miss LOL

Saturday, 4 January 2014

the STORY of cats

The story was mainly about three cats, two female cats and a male cat. 
the male cat, named Tommy was having affair with the first female cat named Mothy.They were both sweet couple and got a very strong relay, and hoping it would everlasts..

But, after some years Tommy met the second female cat, named Kitty. Kitty was a really friendly one and maybe Tommy misunderstood her friendliness, suddenly both of them bumped into each other although they both knew that it was wrong cos Tommy had Mothy. LOL ..Wait a second, Tommy could fall with Kitty as he was frustrated after knowing that Mothy had a scandal with other stray cat..and that was then, he met, was it Kitty's fault? It's Mothy fault for not taking a good care to her belongings :P After the sweet days passed by, suddenly there was a thunderstorm boomed over Kitty where Tommy and Mothy got back together. Pity Kitty, she became heartless, lifeless , loveless and weightless. It was almost a month, but Kitty finally managed to muster herself to continue her life without Tommy.. She was enjoying her loveless life... But, idk why God still fulfilled her unwanted pray by sending Tommy back to her. Tommy, meowing back to her after all this while.. he told that Mothy is no longer with him.. What do you expect about Kitty? hey, husnuzon. Its not dat easy for Kitty to accept Tommy back.But, Kitty was too naive and forgive Tommy's bad attitude towards her. And they live happily ever AF.......... I was hoping that Kitty can be with Tommy till the end.. but, noo ! the angry Mothy caught both of them and accused Kitty as the main cause of their break-up. Even, Tommy kept telling that he didnt withstand with Mothy, who had a really huge bad tempered ethics. can i say ethics? Mood maybe?  Mothy, didnt care. She kept blaming Kitty, Tommy for flirting all this while .. She didnt even ponder for a while wondering her own fault.. How poor Kitty, she had to lose Tommy once again. But, Tommy didnt want to lose Kitty.. He promised to stay with Kitty.. Meanwhile, Mothy had coaxed, persuaded Kitty to go away, stay away, vanish from their life. thinking that Tommy would accept him straight away, Huh ??  as i told before, Kitty is not the main cause. eversince Kitty had gone, Tommy still couldnt accept Mothy ( idk exactly haih but im hoping that Tommy would remain loving Kitty although they couldnt be together.. Love doesnt mean together right? LOL . but, Tommy and Kitty couldnt solve this matter as Mothy only want Tommy, and she wants Kitty to vanish. Haih.its not dat easy for Kitty to forget her prince charming. But, Kitty was really pity with Mothy. She felt guilty whether to move on ONCE again or stay with Tommy.. Hardly coax Mothy to stop hoping or moving on, coz she isss tooo stubborn .. *sigh. luckily, both of female cats didnt scratch among themselves as only Mothy who was the angry one, while Kitty is calm.. She didnt want the poor Tommy, to be with other cats except her. Poor Tommy...  ~ to be continued plis dont ask me futher about this story. 

sincerely Miss LOL

maturity phase maybe?

Assalamualaikum evelybody... i hope its not toooo late to share about my last year's problem that continued until today.. yeah! ape lg mslh sy slain drp mslh jerawat !! I tstarted when i began my short sem which was at 14/11/2013 mybe.. yup ! maal hijrah time tu... awal2 oke lgi.. when suddenly i found out physics was difficult. well actually xsepayah math. maaflaa kpd readers yg find out those subjects were as easy as abc, but to me I cant really carry on with them. Hurmm. + on that particular sem, i faced a problem.. A ? theres a guy, well someone's boyfriend maybe that i bumped intoo.. well, i know it sounded mcm perampas kan? erghhhh... iyea sounds cruel but. imma not the one that bumped. we both bumped.. sigh*.. at the same time, his gf also got probs and kununnye hbungan dah dihujung tanduklaa kan?????? i thought so but suddenly hancur musnah.. lain kli please dont give hope to me, if u dont exactly know the ending part. they manage to fix everything back to normal.. Soo.. do u know what i felt at that moment? when a person that we like, asked us to wait, but all of sudden ask us to move on? okay bai..then we lost contact for a month gittew.. memang muke iolls teruk tahap ape.but dont worry, i was fine :) xsuke sedih lelame pade benda yg xleh diundur balik.So, bhagia hidupppppppppppp.. i just concetrated on physics and muke yg bmslh ni.. byk giler produk gune. tukar itu tukar ini..


yer sy akui rmai yg gune kate makin elokkan? so sbb tulaa sy try mende alah ni.siap beli toner+pelembap bagai. tp muke makin teruk..i thought it was just the beginning. but no !!!! xlangsung.. hergh... pastu break 2minggu xpki cuci muke,cuci dgn kulit rambai jer. tp muke constant jer.. tetap mcm buah delima.. merah merekah gitu.bkn bibir okay? hahaha

~SABUN BERAS (rm5.00 for 2 ketul)
hahaha.. yg ni cik ety yg pki.sooo disbabkan pengenn bangat jelita kayakk ety, putih halus mulus gittew.sumber dr review2 pon kate ok.. so pakailaa kite.. oh not forget, mlm2 sy pki mundisari+air mawar. mustika ratu wey ~!! !! (mundisari rm 4.40 , air mawar rm3.40 ) die tu mcm kulit rambai laa tp wangi lg. ni kwn yg suggest, based on her experience wearing that stuffs, sabun beras ni i think okelaa. xincrease jrwt. tapi xbg effect langsung !!!!! hangenlaaa hambe nye.. i want something that give effect.kononnye thun baru wajah baru ! nak jgk merasa jd kulit licin neyhhh.. sedih ar.. dhla org xbkenan kt kite, lpas xbkenan he caused a lot of acnes. sigh* ahhh xlupe jgk, beli krim organic aid lepas rina pomote dpt ilang parut (rm14.90 ) gilerrr2.... sume krane nk kikis jrwt.dhla xdpt elaung !

~NOUR AIN SKINCARE (rm 48 + rm 25) 
yg ni amalina pki. lau tgk muke die, yeah mmg good effect laa. seriously berkesan. so i tryyy again. melabur almost hundred dis time coz i remembered what she said "benda mahal lar jadi" hoho.. fine, slame ni i nak murahh je n nk cpat comel. cehh. btw, i used dis product on 28/12/2013 which was my birthday hekhek.. xde kaitan tp ingtlaa tarikh so that bleh tgk bfore after. hihi.. so far this product tlh cure kan my acne. tggl parut je wey !!! tp parut tu byk laa wey.. sedih wey.. dhla lmbt nk hilang erghhhh... parut merah ade hitam ade. sume ade. xcumel lg laaa :'( nnt nk bli bedak nk tutup kehudosan ini. xpenah lg pki bedak kt muke sbb takot tampung. phm x tampung tu ape. huhu.. haaa, produk ni ade 4 bende which are toner, soap, night cream and day cream. night cream die kecik giler wey.. almaklumlaaaa set trial pny hurmmmm.. xde pitih nk bli yg besar. beratus2 lg laaa gamaknye. :'( friends plis pray for my recovery..

p/s : a bless add up in my life when that guy returns to me after all time waiting LOL .. a never-happen miracle right? :p syukur2 .. but tak semudah itu, i had to shoulder some other challenges which was explaining to his ex. ok bai. cant tell everything coz it is too privacy :)

sincerely Miss LOL